Бесплатни подготвителни часови за државна матура на УАКС
Почитувани средношколци,
Почитувани средношколци,
Dr Biljana Kotevska, а prominent expert on non-discrimination and equality was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course International Human Rights, with (prof) lecturer Gorica Atanasova-Gjorevska on November 25. The lecture was focused on the case study of North Macedonia with regard to the national portfolio of non-discrimination. Dr. Kotevska provided a…
Ass. Prof. D-r Ivana Trajanoska participated at the International Conference Rethinking the Impact of Liberal Arts – Music at the University in Cologne, Germany. D-r Trajanoska chaired a session on Word and Music Studies and presented a paper on the Macedonian short story writer Aleksandar Prokopiev titled “Prokopiev’s Passionately Parodic Revolt against Logocentrism in the short…
Class schedule for Spring semester, Academic Year 2018/2019 Dear students, You may find the class schedules for Spring semester, Academic Year 2018/2019 for your school, on the links below: SCHOOL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (SPRING 2019) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND…
Во периодот од 18 до 22 септември 2017, Факултетот за странски јазици при УАКС беше домаќин на д-р Марлена Биелак од Универзитетот за применети науки „Станислав Стажиќ“ во Пила, Полска. Таа одржа предавање пред студентите од ФСЈ и сподели искуства со нив за начинот на кој тие предаваат Лингвистика на нивниот универзитет. Таа ги посети…
Today, we had the honor of hosting our esteemed guest speaker, Gorazd Mirkovski, at the University American College Skopje, a highly experienced professional with a strong background in the intersection of technology and innovation. Currently serving as the Project Director at Dimetor, a pioneering software company specializing in analytics and data platforms connecting the cellular…
UACS professors Marjan Petreski, PhD (School of Business Economics and Management) and Ljupcho Efremov, PhD (School of Political Science) have been selected Weiser Postdoctoral Fellows at University of Michigan, US. The professors were selected among 7 people from Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.The Fellows will work on projects with a faculty partner at…