ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ: Работно време на УАКС
Почитувани студенти,
Почитувани студенти,
Dear students, We would like to inform you that the academic course schedules for the Spring Semester for the respective schools have been uploaded. You can find them in the Current Student menu on our web page, or by clicking on the following link. We wish you a success in the second half of the Academic…
Yesterday, within the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, we attended the graduate thesis that focused on the topic of “Predictive Modeling of Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Linear Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest” by the student Dijana Damchevska, as the first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the…
Bosko Tanevski, co-founder of Mr. Hot Dog was a guest lecturer in the Microeconomics class today. He shared the idea generation process of his startup with a focus on the structure of the cost breakdown. The UACS School of Business Economics and Management has a strong connection with students and alumni and encourages freshman to start…
On the 16 and 17 of March, students from the Faculty of Architecture and Design, at the University American College Skopje, visited Ohrid for a study visit, in the organization by UACS, and the Archrid Collective. During their two-day visit, at 16.03. the students were welcomed at the “Mihailo Apostolski” barracks, a subject for…
During the period 6-7 April 2017, UACS was co-organizer of the 3rd Conference by the London School of Economics, LSEE – Research Network of South Eastern Europe titled Social Cohesion in South Eastern Europe. The Conference was held at Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje. UACS SBEM faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Marjan Petreski, PhD, Prof. Nikica…
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…
Dear students, We would like to inform you that the academic course schedules for the Spring Semester for the respective schools have been uploaded. You can find them in the Current Student menu on our web page, or by clicking on the following link. We wish you a success in the second half of the Academic…
Yesterday, within the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, we attended the graduate thesis that focused on the topic of “Predictive Modeling of Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Linear Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest” by the student Dijana Damchevska, as the first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the…
Bosko Tanevski, co-founder of Mr. Hot Dog was a guest lecturer in the Microeconomics class today. He shared the idea generation process of his startup with a focus on the structure of the cost breakdown. The UACS School of Business Economics and Management has a strong connection with students and alumni and encourages freshman to start…
On the 16 and 17 of March, students from the Faculty of Architecture and Design, at the University American College Skopje, visited Ohrid for a study visit, in the organization by UACS, and the Archrid Collective. During their two-day visit, at 16.03. the students were welcomed at the “Mihailo Apostolski” barracks, a subject for…
During the period 6-7 April 2017, UACS was co-organizer of the 3rd Conference by the London School of Economics, LSEE – Research Network of South Eastern Europe titled Social Cohesion in South Eastern Europe. The Conference was held at Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje. UACS SBEM faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Marjan Petreski, PhD, Prof. Nikica…
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…
Dear students, We would like to inform you that the academic course schedules for the Spring Semester for the respective schools have been uploaded. You can find them in the Current Student menu on our web page, or by clicking on the following link. We wish you a success in the second half of the Academic…
Yesterday, within the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, we attended the graduate thesis that focused on the topic of “Predictive Modeling of Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Linear Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest” by the student Dijana Damchevska, as the first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the…
Bosko Tanevski, co-founder of Mr. Hot Dog was a guest lecturer in the Microeconomics class today. He shared the idea generation process of his startup with a focus on the structure of the cost breakdown. The UACS School of Business Economics and Management has a strong connection with students and alumni and encourages freshman to start…
On the 16 and 17 of March, students from the Faculty of Architecture and Design, at the University American College Skopje, visited Ohrid for a study visit, in the organization by UACS, and the Archrid Collective. During their two-day visit, at 16.03. the students were welcomed at the “Mihailo Apostolski” barracks, a subject for…
During the period 6-7 April 2017, UACS was co-organizer of the 3rd Conference by the London School of Economics, LSEE – Research Network of South Eastern Europe titled Social Cohesion in South Eastern Europe. The Conference was held at Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje. UACS SBEM faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Marjan Petreski, PhD, Prof. Nikica…
Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…