Зимски колективен одмор на УАКС и Американската Гимназија
On 24 March 2017, Assistant Professor at UACS School of Foreign Languages, Ivana Trajanoska, PhD, attended a regional forum to mark the occasion of #Francophonie in Macedonia. The Forum was organized by the French Institute in Skopje. Three round tables were organized at the Forum: “The French language – indispensable for pursuing an international career”,…
The University American College Skopje is signing a Memorandum of Understanding with UPF-Barcelona School of Management (https://www.bsm.upf.edu/es). They are renowned for excellence in teaching and research, and hold EQUIS and AMBA accreditations, distinguishing them as one of the leading management schools in the world. UPF-BSM nurtures professionals motivated to grow, innovate and transform society while focusing…
Почитувани, Во име на Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје, на сите припадници од исламска вероисповед им го честитамe претстојниот празник, 25 јуни – Рамазан Бајрам, првиот ден на Рамазан Бајрам. Ве известувамe дека 26 јуни 2017 (понеделник) е неработен ден за граѓаните на Република Македонија. На овој ден, Универзитетот ќе биде затворен. Сабота (24 јуни 2017) е работен ден…
Why did you choose the UACS School of Foreign Languages for your Master studies? I chose UACS School of Foreign Languages for three reasons: 1. COMPREHENSIVE KNOWLEDGE 2. STUDENT – CENTRED LEARNING 3. REWARDING PROGRAMME. I am certain that I made the best decision when I enrolled in the postgraduate studies in TESOL; not only…
Below, you can find the full experience of Mr. Tanevski at the ESCP Business School, explained in his own words: “In a recent visit to ESCP Business School in Turin, I had the distinct privilege of serving as a co-lecturer alongside Professor Vittorio De Pedys, contributing to the Specialization Program and Executive MBA program. This…
Dear Students, UACS starts its Spring 2025 Classes on February 3, 2025. Best regards, UACS