ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ: Работно време на УАКС
Почитувани студенти,
Почитувани студенти,
Today, within the course Introduction to Management, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the most innovative Macedonian brand WICE in the country. We would like to express our gratitude to Sofija Daceva, CEO of the company, for capturing the process from idea to realization of a product in an exciting way.
Dear students, Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly: ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018) SBEM (make-up spring 2018) ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018) SPS (make- up spring 2018) SCSIT (make-up spring 2018) ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
ИЗВЕШТАЈ од спроведени избори за избор на претседател на Универзитетското студентско собрание при Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје На 13 октомври, 2020 година се организираа избори за избор на претседател на Универзитетското студентско собрание. Гласањето се спроведе онлајн (online) преку гугл алатката гугл формс (google forms) на англиски јазик. Гласањето се отвори во 00:01 и траеше…
On March 31st, Prof. Marjan Petreski and Asst. Stefan Tanevski from the University American College Skopje participated in the 46th session of the Researchers’ Club, organized at the National Bank of Macedonia. During their participation, they presented their co-authored paper on the topic: “Negotiating Your Share: The Role of Workers’ Bargaining Power on Labor Shares,…
From 7 to 9 June 2018, Skopje hosted one of the series of “Debates on Europe” organised by the German Academy of Language and Literature, S. Fisher Foundation and the Cultural Foundation Aliantz, in different cities across Europe, starting from 2012. Macedonian partner is Kontrapunk – Association for the development of critical theory, sociocultural activism and contemporary art…
On 14 November 2017, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students, within their Introduction to Linguistics class and joined by their course instructor – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marjana Vaneva, visited the premises of American Corner Skopje. The Corner’s staff presented this institution to the students, informed them about the activities they have and the work…