“Нашиот Универзитет е пример за организација без родови предрасуди” – Вон. проф. д-р Венера Крлиу – Ханџиски
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
Prof. Luca Gnan, lecturer at UACS and University of Rome Tor Vergata attended the Young Leaders School organized by the President of the Republic of Macedonia George Ivanov in order to hold a lecture as part of the school’s program. Prof. Gnan’s lecture was on the topic of leadership in family firms with an emphasis…
This December, for the tenth consecutive time, the University American College Skopje had the privilege to host its annual and traditional Financial Accounting Competition. Four teams from the School of Business Economics and Management demonstrated high competitive abilities and understanding of financial analysis while counterpoising Vitaminka, Lindt, Nestlé, and Kraft-Heinz. Under the mentorship of Assoc….
On February 16th, the final conference of the “Leaders of the Green Economy”, a project supported by the Erasmus+ program and organized by UACS, was held at the M6 Educational Centre in Skopje, encapsulating a project two years in the making. In cooperation with our partners from the Business School DOBA, Slovenia; the University of…
All interested student candidates in accordance with the established criteria on the web can apply for mobility. For more details visit our page https://uacs.edu.mk/home/erasmus/ and contact UACS Erasmus+ Coordinator, Ms. Viktoria Gombarat gombar@uacs.edu.mk
We are looking for candidates with degrees in Computer Science University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS is a vibrant academic environment that fosters intellectual…
Во текот на вчерашниот ден, студентите од Факултетот за Деловна економија и организациони науки, имаа можност да присуствуваат на предавањето на тема „Кои се можностите за младите во Финтек индустријата“ од страна на нашиот алумни, г-дин Филип Димитровски, Извршен директор на Tigo.mk Беше предизвик и вистинско уживање да се пренесе на студентите дел од неговото…