“Нашиот Универзитет е пример за организација без родови предрасуди” – Вон. проф. д-р Венера Крлиу – Ханџиски
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
On March 13th, the students of the School of Political Science and the School of Law, as part of their course Regional Autonomy and Local Self-Government, held a practical simulation of local elections. The simulation was held in ZELS, and the participants had the tasks of electing of electing a Mayor of the City –…
UACS professor, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva – Dean of the School of Foreign Languages – and the SFL UACS alumni, Marija Ivanovska, MA in English language teaching, have published a Linguistics paper, titled ‘Pragmatics of English Speech Acts: Compliments Used by Macedonian Learners’. The coauthored paper has appeared online in the International Journal of English…
On 4 April 2018, UACS students of Business Economics and Management and Political Sciences taking the course in Psychology with Dr. Saso Ordanoski visited the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. They had a short tour of the Assembly premises and had the opportunity to learn about history, political systems, parliamentary practices, and other interesting topics….
Prof. Paula Rodríguez – Torrico, PhD, from the University of Burgos, Spain, focuses her research on omnichannel marketing, digital marketing and the impact of technology on consumer behavior and their decision-making process. She has published her work in high-impact scientific journals and has received awards for her work. As a guest speaker, she actively participates…
Известување од УАКС Фондација за конечен список на добитници на стипендии согласно објавениот конкурс за доделување три целосни стипендии за студиската програма МБА, од постдипломски студии во академската 2021/2022 година на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Согласно сите критериуми за бодување (просечен успех, мотивациско писмо, тестирање/есеј, интервју, финансиски услови) од Конкурсот, конечниот список на добитници на МБА…
From 1-5 July 2024, Prof. Dusica Stevcevska Srbinoska attended the closing conference of the EIT HEI ABCD project organized in Budapest and Esztergom, Hungary. This event marked the successful completion of Phases I and II of the ABCD project. The conference focused on the development of entrepreneurial mindsets and ecosystem connections, with a particular emphasis…