Оглас за Финансиски Консултант во ГРАНТ ТОРНТОН КОНСАЛТИНГ
Драги УАКС студенти,
Во прилог оглас за вработување за Финансиски консултант во ГРАНТ ТОРНТОН КОНСАЛТИНГ.
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Call for Internship on the following link: https://solveointernship, and send their CVs to the following e-mail address: jana@solveo.co/078313781.
Senior Associate/Intern in Assurance Competency Centre JOBS – PWC
Interested parties can find the full specifics in the Full Call at the following links: Oglas za Samostoen Referent Oglas za Referent Oglas za Retail Vinica Oglas za Referent za Bankarski Operacii Vinica Oglas za Referent za Bankarski Operacii Skopje Oglas za Inform. Sigurnost
Драги студенти, Министерството за финансии објавува јавен повик за волонтери. Во прилог линкот: https://finance.gov.mk/%D1%98%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA-%D0%B7%D0%B0-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%9A%D0%B5/ На овој јавен повик право на аплицирање имаат македонски и странски државјани кои се студенти запишани на I или II циклус економски или правни студии или дипломирани студенти по економски или правни студии. Волонтерската работа ќе се изведува во просториите на Министерството за…
Web Developers (WordPress) Location: Skopje Employment: full-time Key Skills: WordPress,HTML,CSS,Java Script,PHP,MySQL If you want to make a meaningful transition to new career with a leading Swiss/Macedonian company, your dream job is closer than you think. We are looking for an enthusiastic Web Developer (WordPress) to join our team in our modern offices at the most attractive location in Skopje. Teamwork, good communication, strong…
Job description: Maintenance and updating web content, new tools implementation, monitoring and control of the web sites www.uacs.edu.mk and www.ahss.edu.mk for all study programs and the University and the High School in general. Maintenance, creating and implementation of content on all social media platforms and profiles of UACS/AHSS – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Organization…