Оглас за Финансиски Консултант во ГРАНТ ТОРНТОН КОНСАЛТИНГ
Драги УАКС студенти,
Во прилог оглас за вработување за Финансиски консултант во ГРАНТ ТОРНТОН КОНСАЛТИНГ.
Отворена пракса во РЕПТИЛ во сектор Сметководство! Потребни Квалификации: студенти запишани на смер Сметководство и ревизија Вештини и способности: способност за самостојна и тимска работа; динамични, иницијативни и насочени кон резултати; одлично познавање на Microsoft Word, Excel; точност, прецизност, дисциплинираност ; Основни одговорности кои следуваат со позицијата, со обезбедено менторство за…
Coke Summership is a summer internship of Pivara Skopje AD, supported by the Coca-Cola HBC group, which represents an excellent summer opportunity to exchange new knowledge, socialize and gain experience that will help you in your personal and professional development. It is a program intended for all students who are in the final year of…
Here at Preston, we are looking for a highly motivated individual with great enthusiasm, to become part of our team. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Our next coworker, should be someone with Bright spirit, sharp mindset, and team player. Excellent written and verbal English language skills are crucial for obtaining this job position. We are looking for someone with…
UACS Job Openings We have open positions at the SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Join our team! University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by…
DEAR STUDENTS, YOU CAN APPLY FOR THE LISTED POSITIONS AT THE LINKS BELOW: 2023UACS – Job offer N Macedonia – Finance Intern 2023UACS – Job Offer N Macedonia – Assurance Interns
Women in Tech Macedonia proudly announce the 2nd edition of WITCON, a conference that brings together the business and technology community in one place. Throughout the full-day agenda on May 18th at the Marriott Hotel Skopje, expect more than 20 speakers on stage who will share their experiences, and knowledge and announce the latest trends…