Скратено работно време на УАКС
Во летниот период од 08.07.2019 до 20.08.2019 година, работното време на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје започнува во 08:00 часот, а завршува во 16:30 часот.
Во летниот период од 08.07.2019 до 20.08.2019 година, работното време на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје започнува во 08:00 часот, а завршува во 16:30 часот.
Join us at the SHARE Skopje 2023 Forum, the winner of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2022, architect David Garcia will share insights over the design challenges in Africa. David Garcia, will grace the stage at SHARE Skopje 2023 with a captivating lecture on ‘Sustainable Projects and the Relationship between Architecture and Development’. Delving…
On the 20 December 2018, Ms. Bisera Bendevska, editor at the publishing house Ars Lamina gave a guest talk within the French Course held by Assis. Prof. D-r Ivana Trajanoska. Ms. Bendevska talked about editing, translation, recruiting young translators and the prestigious French Literary award Goncourt . She brought gifts to our students from the…
Dear UACS students, Presentation of the World Bank Western Balkan Regular Economic Report no.22 (WeBa RER) for the students and academic staff at the University American College Skopje. Time and date for the presentation is October 25 (Tuesday) at 14:00h at UACS Amphitheater A1. The team that will present the report are Sanja Madzarevic Sujster,…
On 28.09.2017, the book “Contemporary diplomatic methods and their implementation in the Macedonian diplomacy” by H.E. Danco Markovski, Assistant Professor at UACS School of Political Science, was promoted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Promoters of the book were H.E. Milan Jazbec (ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia) and H.E….
Ana Karanfilova-Maznevska, MSc, Head of the Waste Management Sector in the Ministy of Environment and Physical Planning (MZSP), was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Ecology and Sustainable Growth”, with lecturer Andrej Gjokikj on February 26. As a prominent expert on all aspects of waste management, including legal and technical expertise…
Dear students, The Final Exam Schedule for the Spring Semester in the Academic Year 2016/2017 can be found on the links below. We wish you all the best for your exams! Regards, University American College Skopje Final Exam Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management – Spring Semester 2017 Распоред за втор…