18-19.01.2021 Неработни денови на УАКС
What is the Cesim Business Simulation? Cesim Business Simulation is an online risk-free tournament on a global scale which has purpose to improve the knowledge retention, business decision making and teamwork skills of students and employees. This online game provides modern educational tool built on sound economic theory. It focuses on strategic management, international business,…
On May 8th, the students from the School of Business Economics and Management had the privilege to get acquainted with Van Lanschot Kempen, an independent wealth manager that provides private banking, investment management, and investment banking services to wealthy individuals and institutions as well as services to pension funds. Dating back to 1737, it is…
Dear all, Please be informed that during the period July 9, 2018 to August 10, 2018, the summer working hours at University American College Skopje will be from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 h until 16:00 h, i.e. from 08:30 h until 16:30 h. The University premises will be closed on Saturdays in the aforementioned…
На 26 февруари 2021 г. во просториите на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, директорката на Агенцијата за просторно планирање, м-р Андријана Андреева, и деканот на Факултетот за архитектура и дизајн на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, проф. д-р Мишко Ралев, потпишаа Меморандум за соработка. Овој меморандум означува взаемна заложба за унапредување на заедничката соработка во областа на едукацијата и усовршувањето…
Today, December 22, 2022, UACS and its students had a great pleasure to host Mr. Dejan Kalinikov. Mr. Kalinikov is Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia and Managing Director of SPMG Capital, a Macedonian fund management company managing two private equity funds. UACS Business Law students had the opportunity to hear first hand information about fund management, venture…
On Wednesday, May 3rd, the University of American College Skopje welcomed a presentation by the WFP management and investment fund company by managing directors Mr. Petar Andreevski and Andrijana Popovska, organized during the Financial Market and Institutions class by Prof. Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, Ph.D. In the course of the presentation, the students of 2nd year accounting…