Debate on “Stress and coping with stress” as a part of the UACS Psychological Counselling Center activities

Debate on “Stress and coping with stress” as a part of the UACS Psychological Counselling Center activities

On November 3rd, 2023, as a part of the activities of the UACS Psychological Counselling Center for students, and within the frame of the project: Supporting the mental health of young people during the post-COVID time “There is no health without mental health”, a debate on “Stress and coping with stress” was organized at the…

Social Media Marketing Intern (Data Masters)

Social Media Marketing Intern (Data Masters)

Data Masters is looking for a social media marketing intern! We are looking for a self-starter willing to learn and help us grow our social channels together. The Social Media Intern will be required to run all the Data Masters social media channels by creating high-quality engaging content, according to our brand guidelines. The position…

Mid-Term Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2023)

Mid-Term Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2023)

Dear students, You may find the Fall mid-term exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за есенски семестар 2023 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Fall Semester 2023 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за есенски семестар 2023 Schedule for the School of Political Science for…

UACS Student Council President Filip Trajkovski’s Youth Exchange Experience in Washington D.C.

UACS Student Council President Filip Trajkovski’s Youth Exchange Experience in Washington D.C.

UACS is always proud of its students, and today, we are happy to share the latest news on the UACS Student Council President – Filip Trajkovski. This October, Filip had the honor of participating in a youth exchange program in Washington D.C. This opportunity, made possible by the U.S. Department of State and the American…

Огласи за Народна Банка

Огласи за Народна Банка

Народната банка на Република Северна Македонија, денеска (01 ноември 2023 година-среда), во дневните весници „Коха“ и „Слободен печат“, објави оглас за вработување на 6 извршители на определено време, и тоа: –      1 извршител на работното место „помлад супервизор почетен II степен“ во Дирекцијата за теренска супервизија во траење од 1 година; –      2 извршители во Дирекцијата за финансии, сметководство и контрола, од кои 1 извршител на работното место…

Administrator/HR position at Retolinks

Administrator/HR position at Retolinks

At Retolinks we have decided to hire two interns for the role of Administrator/HR. Ideal candidates would be students who are already studying at university UACS, or UACS graduates. 1. They will work only twice a week, for example, Monday and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2. They will be able to study…

Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project

Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project

The University American College Skopje (UACS) and the UACS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies (SCSIT) are pleased to announce an Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project, a part of the UACS Connect programme aimed at promoting excellence in education and research. The UACS Connect platform offers a unique opportunity for connecting students…