Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project

Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project

The University American College Skopje (UACS) and the UACS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies (SCSIT) are pleased to announce an Open Call for Collaboration on Capstone Project, a part of the UACS Connect programme aimed at promoting excellence in education and research. The UACS Connect platform offers a unique opportunity for connecting students…

Visegrad+ Project: dedicated video to UACS and the Conference

Visegrad+ Project: dedicated video to UACS and the Conference

With the successful organization of the Visegrad+ Project Conference in Skopje (18-20 October 2023), the University American College Skopje was presented in a special dedicated video on the YouTube channel “UNIWERSYTETY universities” run by professors from the University of Poznan (Poland). We are very grateful for this honor, and for all who would like to…

UACS SBEM project: Analysis of an E-commerce Company

UACS SBEM project: Analysis of an E-commerce Company

During the facilitation of the project “Analysis of an E-commerce Company”, as a part of the  subject “Introduction to Electronic Business”, second-year UACS students were on a working visit to the companies FashionGroup, Vendor, and Fitguru, where through discussion they identified the main points of the business models that these companies apply, discussing the profile…

University American College Skopje at SUBEX 2023

University American College Skopje at SUBEX 2023

Yesterday, the University American College Skopje participated in SUBEX 2023 – Job & Career Fair! During the fair, we had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with enthusiastic individuals who showed a keen interest in exploring the diverse range of Graduate programs on offer at the University American College Skopje, with our dedicated faculty members…

National Insurance Group Ad Insurance Policy – Hiring IT Programmer

National Insurance Group Ad Insurance Policy – Hiring IT Programmer

НАЦИОНАЛНА ГРУПАЦИЈА ЗА ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ – АД ОСИГУРИТЕЛНА ПОЛИСА објавува оглас за вработување на ИТ програмер Потребни квалификации – Завршено високо образование или апсолвенти од Факултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство – Длабокo познавања на програмирање во Python – Основни познавања html, php и Django – Основно познавање на Linux – Познавање на оперативни системи…