Make – up examination schedule
Dear students,
Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly:
ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
Dear students,
Bellow you can find the schedules for the make up exam session for each school accordingly:
ФДЕИОН (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФАД (поправна сесија пролет 2018)
ФПРН (поправна сесија 2018) (3)
On the 6th of April, students from the University of American College held a lecture in front of the American High School Skopje regarding the Circular Economy, as a part of a class held by Prof. Elena Bundalevska. The lecture itself was separated into two parts: a practical and a theoretical part. During the practical…
On 14 April 2022 Robert Alagjozovski, National coordinator for interculturalism, one society, cultural development and interministerial cooperation in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. Mr. Alagjozovski presented the…
Почитувани студенти, Би сакале да Ве информираме дека од 17ти Септември (утре) започнуваат предвидените подготвителни часови по предметите: -Цртање и сликање, -Англиски јазик, -Математика, -Информатика Часовите ќе се одржaт во просториите на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Во прилог распоредот со конкретните термини и простории. Го очекуваме вашето присуство и Ви посакуваме успешен почеток на новата академска година.
Dear students, Dear faculty, We would like to inform you that on November 18, 2016 (Friday), all classes that are scheduled from 9:00 to 17:00 h at the University premises, i.e. on – II floor (rooms: 2A, 2B, Lab 1) – III floor (rooms: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) and – IV floor (rooms: 4A, 4B,…
The ceremony on the occasion of the official closing of the 5th International Summer School for Architecture and Design was held on July 1, 2017 (Saturday), in the Lapidarium Museum in Ohrid. The Summer School has become a tradition of the School of Architecture and Design at UACS, and each year, it is visited by…
On 21 March 2017, UACS School of Law students taking the course in International Human Rights with the course instructor, Jelena Ristikj, PhD, had the possibility to follow a guest lecture on “The role of the Bureau for Advocacy of the Republic of Macedonia at the European Court of Human Rights and enforcement of judgments”….