UACS students were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis
We’re so proud of our students who were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis at Ecumenical and Interreligious meeting with young people!
We’re so proud of our students who were volunteers of Apostolic journey of Pope Francis at Ecumenical and Interreligious meeting with young people!
School of Political Science have the honour of inviting you to the panel The War in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Balkans Thursday 24 March 2022, 13:15 – 15:00 CET at UACS Amphitheater 1 and online via this link Moderator: Sasho Ordanoski, Adjunct lecturer at the UACS School of Political Science…
UACS Successful Stories „If you are interested in serious learning and researching, at UACS you will be given a chance and all the means to thrive” Erda Qazim, UACS Graduate and Project Coordinator at IOM Erda, you have two degrees from the School of Political Science at UACS, from undergraduate and graduate studies. What…
For the fourth time University American College Skopje will host some of the events of the interdisciplinary project Student Musical Spring 2021 from the 12 – 23 April. This year’s program includes: Guest Lecture by Prof. Pietro Deandrea (University of Turin, Italy) 12 April 2021 at 15:30 (via Webex) Making one’s point of view: Broaching textual analysis…
Почитувани студенти, Чест ни е да ви ги претставиме АЛУМНИ бизнисите кои станаа дел од иницијативана на Универзитетското Студентско Собрание при УАКС. Сите подолу наведени бизниси им нудат значителен попуст на студентите на УАКС, со цел нивно поддржување и промоција. За секој бизнис следат дополнителни информации, соодветно. Се надеваме ќе ги поддржите, и во иднина…
Bosko Tanevski, co-founder of Mr. Hot Dog was a guest lecturer in the Microeconomics class today. He shared the idea generation process of his startup with a focus on the structure of the cost breakdown. The UACS School of Business Economics and Management has a strong connection with students and alumni and encourages freshman to start…
May these festive days bring you and your closest ones joy, happiness, love, and inner peace. Regards, University American College Skopje