Team Building UACS
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
Изминатиот викенд, наставниот кадар, администрацијата и надворешните соработници на УАКС преку работилници и неформална дружба беа дел од GET INVOLVED VII тим билдингот.
On 1 December 2016 (Thursday), UACS School of Business Economics and Management hosted the winners of this year’s marketing festivals: Saatchi & Saatchi, New Moment and Image PR. Their success proves the fact that even a small country as Macedonia can be put on the world-winner map. The event was organized by the Head of…
Ana Foteva, PhD, a lector in German language at the UACS School of Foreign Languages, published a scholarly article on the contemporary Austrian author Peter Handke in the renowned, double-blind peer reviewed Canadian journal “Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies”, pp. 43-67 ( The article “Handke’s Die Fahrt im Einbaum: Utopia as a Counter-Historical Performance” explores…
On Monday, December 4th, the University American College Skopje had the honor to host representatives from the Confindustria Macedonia del Nord and Smart Industry, to discuss a potential partnership between all parties involved. Greeted by our UACS Rector Prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev Ph.D., and our Head of International Relations Ms. Viktorija Gombar, the meeting set…
Почитувани, Со огромна чест и задоволство ве покануваме на отворањето на 10-та студентска изложба на Факултетот за архитектура и дизајн (ФАД), Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, коja ќе се одржи на 2 октомври 2019 (среда), со почеток во 20:00 часот во изложбениот простор „Мала станица“ при Националната галерија на Македонија. Со почит, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје
On 26 December 2016 (Monday), UACS Psychology students taking the course in Child and Adolescent Development with UACS faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Ana Tomovska Misoska, PhD had the opportunity to meet the guest lecturer, Tatjana Nasevska Dodevska, a school psychologist, who delivered a presentation on the topic of: “Working with school aged children: methods and…
UACS language instructor Ms. Jovanka Jovanchevska-Milenkoska, МА, together with the UACS SFL students Vanja Spasovska, Hilda Softic and Miranda Kadriu, will attend the 9th ELTAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE titled: “Re-imagining teaching: Rejuvenating and transforming classroom practices”, which will take place October 14-16, 2016, in Struga, Macedonia. Apart from having a joint poster presentation on English pronunciation for…