UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition
Dear UACS Alumni,
Dear UACS Alumni,
On 30 March 2017 (Thursday), the students of Marketing at the School of Business Economics and Management had the opportunity to follow a guest lecture by the Account Manager of Media House, Mr. Todor Micevski. Media House is the biggest marketing and media agency which operates in the last fifteen (15) years on the Macedonian…
Liberal Institute Skopje announces a public call for participants aged 18-29 to participate in KA154-YOU-Youth participation activities in a 7-month training (one weekend per month) for youth participation in civil society and raising awareness of common values of the European Union, promoting equal opportunities for young people from different cultural, social and economic backgrounds. Our…
Почитувани, Би сакале да ве известиме дека последен работен ден на УАКС во календарската 2018 година ќе биде 26 декември 2018 година, среда. Просториите на Универзитетот ќе бидат затворени во текот на зимскиот распуст, односно, во периодот од 27.12.2018 година до 08.01.2019 година. Прв работен ден за академскиот и административниот кадар на Универзитетот, и првиот ден на…
On 30 November, UACS students from the School of Foreign Languages attended an online guest lecture delivered by Prof. Mariko Eguchi from the University of Shimane, Japan. The students had the oportunity to learn about the Japanese traditional performing art Kagura which is believed to be the oldest form of entertainment in Japan. Students were…
On 2 April 2024, the UACS English language students attending their Contrastive Analysis class this semester, taught by their Dean and Professor, Marjana Vaneva PhD, met with native speakers, part of the Mackenzie family from London, UK, who had been visiting Skopje this past week. In a nice and relaxing sunny atmosphere in the park,…
The book “Diplomacy in Focus: Selected Articles 1990 – 2021” by UACS visiting professor Dr. Milan Jazbec has been published recently by IFIMES. This is the first title of a trilogy which presents a comprehensive selection from Prof. Jazbec’s rich and broad scientific opus of more than 70 published books and over 130 articles on diplomacy and related topics, all…