Open Positions at Narodna Banka
You can view the Full Call here.
You can view the Full Call here.
Dear students, Below you can find the internship opportunity at WIDNET, for the position of Marketing Campaign Execution. For those interested, you can apply by sending your CV on the following e-mail:
UACS Job Openings We have open positions at the SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Join our team! University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by…
АЛДА Скопје е подружница на Европската асоцијација за локална демократија АЛДА со седиште во Франција. АЛДА е организација посветена на промовирањето на добро владеење и граѓанско учество на локално ниво. АЛДА особено се фокусира на активности кои ја потикнуваат соработката помеѓу локалните власти и граѓанските организации во Европската унија и пошироко. АЛДА Скопје е регионалната…
We are looking for candidates with degrees in Computer Science University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS is a vibrant academic environment that fosters intellectual…
We inform you that within the framework of the platform #кариерабезбариера, Sparkase Bank organizes Sparkase Academy – Young Banker. The “Best of South East” scholarship program represents an excellent opportunity for a one-year scholarship stay in Graz and the acquisition of practical experience for students from the South-Eastern part of Europe.
Job description: Maintenance and updating web content, new tools implementation, monitoring and control of the web sites and for all study programs and the University and the High School in general. Maintenance, creating and implementation of content on all social media platforms and profiles of UACS/AHSS – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Organization…