Public call for student participation on “School of European Integration” of the Liberal Institute Skopje
You can view the Full Call here.
You can view the Full Call here.
Драги УАКС студенти од Факултетот за Правни науки Адвокатската канцеларија има потреба од адвокатски приправници кои сеуште се на студии и имаат потреба да го усовршат своето практично знаење и да го зголемат правното искуство. Потребно е да познаваат работење на компјутер. Работното време ќе биде по 4 часа во текот на денот по договор…
WE ARE HIRING! >JOIN OUR TEAM< *New open positions at University American College Skopje* More information about the job descriptions, conditions, and required skills: ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS At least BA in Law Excellent knowledge of the Higher Education Act of RNM English Language (minimum level B2) SKILLS Teamwork Adaptability Flexibility…
UACS Job Openings We have open positions at the SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Join our team! University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by…
The team of ALDA Skopje is looking for another colleague, that will support the Programs and Development Department of ALDA, in achieving ALDA’s objectives and priorities. Among the main tasks: Project development: project drafting, preparation of the application package (concepts, applications forms, budgets, log frame), partnership building activities, Fundraising: research for grant opportunities, periodical checks…
If you want to make a meaningful transition to new career with a leading Swiss Advertising Agency, your dream job opportunity is here! We are looking for an experienced developer to join our team as WordPress Developer. You will work for our client Maxomedia AG (headquartered in Bern), a leading Swiss Advertising Agency and most…
Почитувани студенти, УАКС Алумни Утре 4 Јуни 2020 година, во 14.00 часот, вклучете се на Вебинар за пракса, развој на кариера и вработување во British American Tobacco. Овој вебинар е наменет за Вас, а претставници од компанијата British American Tobacco ќе Ви ги презентираат сите можности кои ги нудат за пракса и вработување! Ве очекуваме утре…