Application of Statistics

Application of Statistics

The students taking the course in Statistics for Psychologists with Assist. Prof. Ljupcho Efremov, PhD visited the office of Indago on May 15, 2019. Students had the possibility to follow a presentation on research methods, data collection and data analysis. Also, the students  had a chance to discuss with Indago employees about practical application of Statistics.

UACS professors Marjan Petreski and Ljupcho Efremov have been selected Weiser Postdoctoral Fellows at University of Michigan, US

UACS professors Marjan Petreski and Ljupcho Efremov have been selected Weiser Postdoctoral Fellows at University of Michigan, US

UACS professors Marjan Petreski, PhD (School of Business Economics and Management) and Ljupcho Efremov, PhD (School of Political Science) have been selected Weiser Postdoctoral Fellows at University of Michigan, US. The professors were selected among 7 people from Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.The Fellows will work on projects with a faculty partner at…

Гостин предавач од фондацијата Фридрих Еберт во рамки на предметот Структури и институции на ЕУ

Гостин предавач од фондацијата Фридрих Еберт во рамки на предметот Структури и институции на ЕУ

На 15 мај 2019 година, студентите на УАКС од Факултетот за правни науки, во рамки на предметот Структури и институции на ЕУ, кој го предава доц. д-р Јелена Ристиќ, имаа можност да следат предавање на тема „Европска интеграција: придобивки и недостатоци за големите и малите држави-членки”. Предавањето го одржа гостинката предавач м-р Нита Старова, Програмски…

14th annual international academic conference on European integration “INNOVATING EUROPE”

14th annual international academic conference on European integration “INNOVATING EUROPE”

University American College Skopje in cooperation with University of Rome Tor Vergata organize the 14th annual international academic conference on European integration “INNOVATING EUROPE” More about PROGRAM:

How to observe elections?

How to observe elections?

On 14 May 2019, third year students from the School of Political Science were hosted at the Citizens Association MOST. The students had an opportunity to learn about the programs run by MOST, in particular those related to domestic observation of elections. This study visit is part of their activities within the course in Electoral Systems.

UACS students visited the Secretariat for European Affairs

UACS students visited the Secretariat for European Affairs

Yesterday, students from II year of Political studies from the University American College Skopje, within the class of “EU structures and institutions” lectured by Prof. Vasilka Salevska Trajkova, PhD, visited the Secretariat for European Affairs. They had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Dragan Tilev – State Counselor for EU Affairs, Ms. Hristina Koneska Beroska – Head of Department for…

British Ambassador, Madam Rachel Galloway at the opening of UACS Eighth Annual Reading Competition

British Ambassador, Madam Rachel Galloway at the opening of UACS Eighth Annual Reading Competition

Her Majesty’s British Ambassador to the Republic of North Macedonia, Madam Rachel Galloway at the opening of UACS Eighth Annual Reading Competition for high school students. Committed to promoting English literature to high school students, UACS School of Foreign Languages is organizing the Eighth Annual Reading Competition. This year’s competition will honor the English writer…

International Students Day at UACS

International Students Day at UACS

We are kindly inviting you to the International Students Day at UACS.The event will be held on May 17 ( Friday ) from 12.00 h at Amphitheater 1,  (UACS 4th floor).During the International Students Day, you will have the opportunity to hear more about: ●      Welcome note by  Viktorija Gombar, International Student Adviser & Erasmus Coordinator; ●     Info session on how to apply…