Psychology Talk on Addiction

Psychology Talk on Addiction

UACS students of School of Political Science & Department of Psychology, on Wednesday 19 December 2018 had an excellent opportunity to have a psychology talk, titled: Addiction – A Biopsychosocial Phenomenon: Prevention and Treatment, presented by the guest lecture Dr. Darko Kostovski, Psychiatrist.  The student of Psychology following the courses Health and Clinical Psychology, and Child and Adolescent Development led…

Prof. D-r Ivana Trajanoska participates in the International Conference Rethinking the Impact of Liberal Arts

Prof. D-r Ivana Trajanoska participates in the International Conference Rethinking the Impact of Liberal Arts

Ass. Prof. D-r Ivana Trajanoska participated at the International Conference Rethinking the Impact of Liberal Arts – Music at the University in Cologne, Germany. D-r Trajanoska chaired a session on Word and Music Studies and presented a paper on the Macedonian short story writer Aleksandar Prokopiev titled “Prokopiev’s Passionately Parodic Revolt against Logocentrism in the short…

УАКС одржа втора предновогодишна хуманитарна аукција на уметнички дела

УАКС одржа втора предновогодишна хуманитарна аукција на уметнички дела

На 18 декември 2018 година, во Сити Хол центарот во Скопје, беше одржана предновогодишна хуманитарна аукција на уметнички дела, која Универзитет Американ колеџ Скопје ја организира втора последователна година. За разлика од традиционалните корпоративни предновогодишни прослави, и поттикнати од организациската култура, која ги негува вредностите како заедништво, солидарност и хуманост, УАКС ја организира забавата за…

Студентите по архитектура во посета на Alpos

Студентите по архитектура во посета на Alpos

Студенти од четврта година од Факултетот за Архитектура и Дизајн, под раководство на професор Мишко Ралев и асистент Ана Велинова, на 20.12.2018 година беа во посета на компанијата Alpos во Скопје. Alpos е застапник на компанијата Sto од Германија, основана во 1835 година. Во областа на производство на термоизолациони фасади, компанијата се диференцира по иновативните…

UACS holds second annual Pre-Christmas Charity Auction of Artwork

UACS holds second annual Pre-Christmas Charity Auction of Artwork

On December 18, 2018, at the City Hall Center in Skopje, University American College Skopje held the Pre-Christmas Charity Auction of Artwork, organized for the second consecutive year. Unlike the traditional corporate Pre-Christmas celebrations, and encouraged by the organizational culture which nurtures values such as unity, solidarity and humanity, UACS organized entertainment for its employees in…

UACS students visit Clinic of Neurology as a part of Neurolinguistics course

UACS students visit Clinic of Neurology as a part of Neurolinguistics course

On 18 Dec 2018, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students attending the Introduction to Linguistics course taught by their instructor and Dean, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, visited the Clinic of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. Neurolinguistics is a part of Linguistics that studies the connection between language and the brain, which is why…

UACS students visit financial institutions as part of the Financial Markets and Institutions course

UACS students visit financial institutions as part of the Financial Markets and Institutions course

On 13 December 2018, the UACS School of Business Economics and Management students attending the Financial Markets and Institutions course taught by their instructor, Dr. Jadranka Mrshikj, visited several financial institutions. Ms. Evita Ivanova, Director of the Administrative and Financial Department and PR of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, presented the stock exchange operations and development. Ms. Tomovska, a head of…

Team Competition in Financial Accounting at UACS

Team Competition in Financial Accounting at UACS

On December 10 2018, UACS held the annual Financial Accounting Competition. This competition is being held for the fourth time, and encompasses the students enrolled in the Finance and Banking and the Accounting and Audit study programs.  Under the mentorship of Asst. Prof. Dusica Stevcevska–Srbinoska, PhD, the students presented projects on marketing and financial analysis of a segment from…