UACS Professor of Political Science, Stevo Pendarovski, PhD has been elected as President of the Republic of North Macedonia

UACS Professor of Political Science, Stevo Pendarovski, PhD has been elected as President of the Republic of North Macedonia

We are proud that UACS Professor of Political Science, Stevo Pendarovski, PhD has been elected as the fifth President of the Republic of North Macedonia. Prof. Pendarovski has been a member of UACS  faculty since 2008, and he has ascended to full tenured professorship – the highest rank bestowed by the University. We wish him wisdom and vigor to…

Swedish Institute Innovation Leaders Academy

Swedish Institute Innovation Leaders Academy

D-r Snezhana Hristova, Associate Professor and Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management was one of the participants of the Swedish Institute Innovation Leaders Academy together with other innovation experts from Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia, covering academia, public and private sector. The aim is to contribute to the innovation ecosystem in…

Полски искуства со локалната и регионалната управa

Полски искуства со локалната и регионалната управa

На 23 април 2019 година, во рамките на предметот регионална автономија и локална самоуправа, гостин предавач беше Марчин Соколовски (Marcin Sokołowski) докторант на Универзитетот во Варшава. Тој работи на европски проект чиј македонски партнер е ЗЕЛС. Предавањето се однесуваше на локалната и регионалната управа во Полска и на сите 4 нивоа на власт. Гостинот дискутираше…

Study visit to the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts – MANU

Study visit to the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts – MANU

On Wednesday 24 April 2019, UACS students of psychology visited the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Neurophysiology Section, Sector for Neuro-informatics in function of Sustainable Development, Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development led by Assoc. Prof. Silvana Markovska-Simoska, MD, PhD. The students follow the courses in Emotion & Motivation, Social Psychology 2, and Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy with Assist. Prof. Dimitrinka Jordanova…

Tyson Ralles, guest lecturer from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford at UACS

Tyson Ralles, guest lecturer from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford at UACS

Today, students from School of Business Administration at UACS have guest lecturer from Saïd  Business School, University of Oxford who delivering a lecture on the topic: How social groups in work organizations collectively (and implicitly) imagine the future, and how this imagining relates to the strategy (explicitly) set by the organization.   

Mark Lee – “Spirituality and Lunacy in Victorian Britain”

Mark Lee – “Spirituality and Lunacy in Victorian Britain”

Today, 24 April, School of Political Science & Department of Psychology have lecture from visiting scholar Mark Lee from Oxford University, UK on topic Spirituality and Lunacy in Victorian Britain. Are spiritual experiences in any sense authentic? Or are they simply a form of delusion? This lecture looks at how people answered such questions in Victorian…

Students from UACS visiting the Ministry of Finance

Students from UACS visiting the Ministry of Finance

Students from University American College Skopje, within the class of Public Economic and Policy from prof. Blagica Petreski, PhD, were visiting the Ministry of Finance. They met with the Minister prof. d-r Dragan Tevdovski, and they visited several sectors. They discussed how fiscal policies, public debt, models used for the formulation, the tax system and tax…