Избор за претставници и претседател на Студентско Собрание

Избор за претставници и претседател на Студентско Собрание

На 12.12 (среда) ќе се одржат избори за членови на факултетско и универзитетско студентско собрание. За членови на собранието ќе се избираат по 2 студенти од секоја година и секоја јазична група, на секоја од единиците на УАКС, што значи на ФДЕИОН 12, на ФАД 10, а на сите други, вклучително и ИСАД по 6…

Philological conference co-organisation between UACS and Stanisław Staszic University

Philological conference co-organisation between UACS and Stanisław Staszic University

On 23-24 October 2018, the UACS School of Foreign Languages co-organised an international conference for its second time. This was the third international philological conference, held at Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland, where the previous two conferences had also taken place. Besides the host institution and our university, the other organizers…

Aneta Naumoska, PhD guest speaker at the School of Foreign Languages

Aneta Naumoska, PhD guest speaker at the School of Foreign Languages

On 26 October 2018, the UACS graduates attending the Business Communication course taught be Assoc Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, welcomed their guest Aneta Naumoska, PhD, from the St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Since one of the main objectives of the course is to teach and use business terminology, thus improve the students’ interaction…

Mr. Ivica Sokolovski, Research Manager at Ipsos guest lecturer at UACS

Mr. Ivica Sokolovski, Research Manager at Ipsos guest lecturer at UACS

Today, Prof. Dimitar Kovacevski who lectures Marketing and Prof. Nadica Jovanovska Boshkovska who lectures Market Research at School of Business, Economics and Management at UACS, mutually invited a guest lecturer Mr. Ivica Sokolovski, Research Manager from Ipsos. The main objective of the lecture was to present the importance and the role of Market Research in…

Rector Tome Nenovski to preside over the Rectors Conference of Private Universities

Rector Tome Nenovski to preside over the Rectors Conference of Private Universities

The Rectors Conference of Private Universities is one of the most important advisory bodies in the higher education system in Macedonia, aimed at discussing, reviewing and ensuring compliance with higher education regulations, but also discussing important issues of mutual interest to the Universities. It is comprised of the rectors of the private Universities operating in Macedonia, and at…

УАКС е добитник на Национална награда во 2018 година за најдобра општествено одговорна практика

УАКС е добитник на Национална награда во 2018 година за најдобра општествено одговорна практика

Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје е добитник на плакета и сертификат за Национална награда во 2018 година за најдобра општествено одговорна практика за проектот „Хуманитарна аукција на уметнички дела“ во категоријата „Вложување во заедницата“ кај мали и средни претпријатија. Настанот по повод 11-то доделување на Национална награда за најдобри општествено одговорни практики на македонските претпријатија во…

National Award for Best Socially Responsible Practices 2018 for UACS

National Award for Best Socially Responsible Practices 2018 for UACS

  University American College Skopje has been awarded the 2018 National Award for Best Socially Responsible Practices plaque and certificate, for the project “Charity Auction of Artwork”, in the category of small and medium enterprises. The event on the occasion of the 11th awarding of the National Award for Best Socially Responsible Practices in 2018…