Симулација на локални избори на Факултетот за политички науки

Симулација на локални избори на Факултетот за политички науки

На 13 март 2019 година, студентите од правни и политички науки од Универзитетот Американ колеџ Скопје, кои ја следат наставата по предметот Регионална автономија и локална самоуправа, во просториите на ЗЕЛС изведоа практична вежба – симулираа локални избори, односно избираа градоначалник, од двајца кандидати, и 5 члена на општински совет од 10 кандидати. Вежбата помина оддлично,…

Model United Nations Simulation at the School of Political Science

Model United Nations Simulation at the School of Political Science

On 12 March 2019, as part of their course in International Organizations & Institutions, third year students from the School of Political Science participated in a Model United Nations Simulation (MUN), under the guidance of their instructor Biljana Stefanovska. Each student was assigned a country represented in the Security Council (UNSC) and debated on the…

Deputy Director for negotiations with the EU as guest lecturer at UACS

Deputy Director for negotiations with the EU as guest lecturer at UACS

Gorica Atanasova – Gjorevska is the Deputy Director for negotiations with the EU in the Directorate for EU at the Ministry of foreign affairs was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course EU Structures and Institutions, with prof. Vasilka Salevska-Trajkova, PhD. The Lecture was focused on the relations between EU and North Macedonia with…

Бенџамин Перкс, претставник на УНИЦЕФ гостин на УАКС!

Бенџамин Перкс, претставник на УНИЦЕФ гостин на УАКС!

Факултетот за политички науки и Катедрата по психологија имаат чест да Ве поканат на гостинското предавње на   г-дин Бенџамин Перкс, претставник на УНИЦЕФ и вршител на должноста постојан координатор на Обединетите Нации во Република Северна Македонија Новите научни сознанија за детскиот развој и нивното влијание врз креирањето политики и нивното влијание врз креирањето политики…

UNICEF Representative Benjamin Perks at UACS on March 14th!

UNICEF Representative Benjamin Perks at UACS on March 14th!

School of Political Science & Department of Psychology have the honour of inviting you to the guest lecture of Mr. Benjamin Perks, MSc, UNICEF Representative and Resident Coordinator ad interim of the United Nations to the Republic of North Macedonia. Emerging science on child development and how it influences policy Thursday 14 March 2019, 11:30…

Press conference for promotion of the ACCA accredited program at UACS

Press conference for promotion of the ACCA accredited program at UACS

The Institute for Certified Auditors and University American College Skopje are holding a press conference for the promotion of the ACCA accredited program for Accounting and Audit at UACS and for promoting the accounting and auditing professions. The press conference will be held on March 12th, 2019 (Tuesday) at UACS – Amphitheatre 1 (4th Floor)…

Open Call for expatriates – Faculty position available

Open Call for expatriates – Faculty position available

The University American College Skopje is an Institution for Higher Education that combines the best of American and European educational experiences. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS provides a vibrant and dynamic academic environment that fosters intellectual curiosity. The University is accredited internationally by…