Prof. Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska attends World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in Bangkok

Prof. Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska attends World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in Bangkok

UACS faculty member Ass. Professor in Health Psychology and Counseling Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, PhD, participated at the 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2018 – “Advancing injury and violence prevention towards Sustainable Development Goals”. She has presented research paper titled: “Risk Factors Predicting Dating Violence Victimization in Students from Middle and Late…

UACS Students participate in the Erasmus “Balkan Entrepreneurs” Project

UACS Students participate in the Erasmus “Balkan Entrepreneurs” Project

Gordana Altiparmakova and Darko Bunjevac, students of the UACS, and prof. Jadranka Mrsik, together with the students from other universities from Macedonia participated in the “Balkan Entrepreneurs” Project within the Erasmus+ Programme. The project was 6-day Youth Exchange of youth employment taking place in Athens, Greece. 60 participants from 5 different countries (Greece, Romania, Sweden, Latvia, Macedonia) and trainers implemented a series…

Dushan Mitrev, CFO of Pivara Skopje holds a guest lecture at UACS

Dushan Mitrev, CFO of Pivara Skopje holds a guest lecture at UACS

The Chief Financial Officer of Pivara AD Skopje, Mr. Dushan Mitrev, held a guest lecture today for all students at UACS, on the topic of Finance in Real Life. This young and inspiring CFO, shared his life story, the challenges he was facing in the job market and as an employee, and he also told the story…

Provost Bojadjiev and Dean Hristova attend the ACBSP Region 8 Conference

Provost Bojadjiev and Dean Hristova attend the ACBSP Region 8 Conference

Traditionally, UACS participates at the ACBSP Region 8 Conference each year. This year, UACS Provost Marjan Bojadjiev, PhD and the Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management attended the conference that was hosted by this years presiding school, ISM (International School of Management) in Paris, France. The theme of this years event was…

Lecture: Governance of Minority Religions in North-Eastern Europe – The Case of Islam

Lecture: Governance of Minority Religions in North-Eastern Europe – The Case of Islam

Prof. Dr. Egdūnas Račius Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania Governance of Minority Religions in North-Eastern Europe: The Case of Islam Tuesday 13 November, 11:15 – 12:30 at Amphitheatre 1 Egdūnas Račius (PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Helsinki, 2004) is Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies at the Department of Area Studies of…

Распоред за полагање на први колоквиуми во есенски семестар во академска 2018/2019 година

Распоред за полагање на први колоквиуми во есенски семестар во академска 2018/2019 година

Почитувани студенти, На линковите подолу, можете да пристапите до распоредите за полагање на први колоквиуми во есенскиот семестар на факултетите при УАКС во академската 2018/2019 година: Mid-Term Examination Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management  Распоред за полагање на први колоквиуми на Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки Mid-Term Examination Schedule for…

Mid-Term Examination Schedule for Fall Semester in the Academic Year 2018/2019

Mid-Term Examination Schedule for Fall Semester in the Academic Year 2018/2019

Dear students, On the links below, you can find the Mid-Term Examination Schedule for your School, for the Fall Semester in the Academic Year 2018/2019: Mid-Term Examination Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management  Распоред за полагање на први колоквиуми на Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки Mid-Term Examination Schedule for the Business…

Гостин предавач Д-р Наташа Бакревска – Кормушовска на ФДЕИОН

Гостин предавач Д-р Наташа Бакревска – Кормушовска на ФДЕИОН

Д-р Наташа Бакревска – Кормушовска, менаџер за Животна средина, во цементраница  Усје Скопје денеска го одржа часот по предмет Екологија и одржлив развој како гостин предавач. Покрај содржината предвидена за самата настава, таа им пренесе практични примери од нејзиното искуство на студентите.