Конкурс за трет уписен рок – запишување студенти на прв циклус студии на студиските програми на Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје во учебната 2016/2017 година

Конкурс за трет уписен рок – запишување студенти на прв циклус студии на студиските програми на Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје во учебната 2016/2017 година

Почитувани, На линкот можете да пристапите до Конкурсот за трет уписен рок за запишување студенти на прв циклус студии на студиските програми на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје во учебната 2016/2017 година. Со почит, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје

Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Third enrollment period

Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Third enrollment period

Dear All, Please click on the following link in order to access the Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Third enrollment period.   Regards, University American College Skopje

Dimitrinka Jordanova-Peshevska at Safety 2016

Dimitrinka Jordanova-Peshevska at Safety 2016

Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, Professor of Practice in Psychology at the UACS School of Political Science, participated in the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2016), which was held from 18 to 21 September 2016 in Tampere, Finland. She presented the paper titled “Situation Analysis on Child Maltreatment Prevention in Several South…

UACS SCSIT faculty members attended the 8th IC Innovations Conference

UACS SCSIT faculty members attended the 8th IC Innovations Conference

Representatives from UACS School of Computer Science and Information Technology faculty attended the 8th ICT Innovations Conference, which was held during the period 5-7 September, 2016 in Ohrid, Macedonia. It is the third year for UACS SCSIT faculty members to attend this international conference. On 5 September, 2016, the Dean at the School of Computer…

UACS Orientation Day of Academic Year 2016/2017

UACS Orientation Day of Academic Year 2016/2017

Dear UACS freshmen, We invite you to the UACS Orientation of Academic year 2016/2017, which will be held on September 24, 2016 (Saturday) at 10:00 h at UACS cafeteria (ground floor). For more information regarding the event, please click on the following link ******************************************************************************************************************** Ден за насочување за академска 2016/2017 година Почитувани новозапишани студенти на…

UACS SPS faculty, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD published a research paper in the Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE)

UACS SPS faculty, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD published a research paper in the Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE)

UACS SPS faculty, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD continues publishing scientific research papers in reputable international scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science scientific base, as well as other impact factor bases. Prof. Shapurikj, PhD, along with the co-authors D. Dimitrovski, M. Dimitrovski, and F. Ivanovski, published the research paper titled “Medical Waste Incineration in…

UACS SL faculty publishes research paper in Ponte Academic Journal

UACS SL faculty publishes research paper in Ponte Academic Journal

We are proud of our School of Law faculty: Assoc. Prof. Marko Andonov, PhD, Kate Trajkova, PhD and Prof. Zoran Mihajlovski, PhD, who have published their research paper titled: Drivining Business Success Trough Key Organizational Drivers of Employee Engagement – Case study The paper has been published in the Ponte Academic Journal – (International Scientific…