Visit to the headquarters of TTK Bank AD Skopje

Visit to the headquarters of TTK Bank AD Skopje

UACS students of School of Bussiness Economics and Management taking the course in Business Ethics with the course instructor, Vladimir Naumovski, PhD visited the headquarters of TTK Bank AD Skopje on 14 October, 2016. The CEO of  TTK Bank AD Skopje, Prof. Dragoljub Arsovski, PhD held a presentation regarding the business scope of activities of…

Call for Applications for Full Scholarships for Graduate Studies at UACS SBEM

Call for Applications for Full Scholarships for Graduate Studies at UACS SBEM

Dear All, We would like to inform you that on the basis of the Agreement for Collaboration and Awarding Scholarships for Graduate Studies established between Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje and University American College Skopje, there is an Open Call for Applications for Awarding Full Scholarships for Graduate Studies at the UACS School of Business Economics…

Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD as a visiting lecturer in Marketing at the Technical Faculty of Bor, University of Belgrade

Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD as a visiting lecturer in Marketing at the Technical Faculty of Bor, University of Belgrade

On 6 October, 2016 (Thursday), UACS SBEM faculty, Assoc. Prof. Ilijana Petrovska, PhD held a Marketing lecture to the students at the Technical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade. Assoc. Prof. Petrovska, PhD was a guest lecturer at the Introduction to Marketing course taught by the course instructor, Prof. Dejan Riznic, PhD. During the lecture, she…

UACS SFL faculty and students to attend the 9th ELTAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

UACS SFL faculty and students to attend the 9th ELTAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

UACS language instructor Ms. Jovanka Jovanchevska-Milenkoska, МА, together with the UACS SFL students Vanja Spasovska, Hilda Softic and Miranda Kadriu, will attend the 9th ELTAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE titled: “Re-imagining teaching: Rejuvenating and transforming classroom practices”, which will take place October 14-16, 2016, in Struga, Macedonia. Apart from having a joint poster presentation on English pronunciation for…

Prof. Marjan Petreski – presentation of a paper at the second “Life in Kyrgyzstan” conference

Prof. Marjan Petreski – presentation of a paper at the second “Life in Kyrgyzstan” conference

UACS SBEM faculty, prof. Marjan Petreski, PhD participated at the second “Life in Kyrgyzstan” conference, taking place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan during the period 6-7 October 2016. During the Conference, he presented his co-authored paper (with the Dean of the School of Business Economics and Management, prof. Nikica Mojsoska Blazevski, PhD) titled: “Labor market scars when…

Претставници на ФКТИ учествуваа на 8-та конференција за ИКТ иновации

Претставници на ФКТИ учествуваа на 8-та конференција за ИКТ иновации

Претставници од Факултетот за компјутерски науки и информатичка технологија при УАКС присуствуваа на 8-та конференција за ИКТ иновации, која се одржа во периодот од 5-7 септември, 2016 година во Охрид, Македонија. Трета година по ред членовите на ФКТИ при УАКС присуствуваа на оваа меѓународна конференција. На 5 септември 2016 година, деканот на Факултетот за компјутерски…

Учество на Димитринка Јорданова Пешевска  на Сафети 2016 година

Учество на Димитринка Јорданова Пешевска на Сафети 2016 година

Димитринка Јорданова Пешевска професор од пракса на УАКС, факултетот за Политички науки од 18-21 Септември 2016 година учествуваше на 12-та Светска конференција за безбедност и заштита од повреди, која се одржуваше во Тампаре, Финска. Таа го презентираше својот труд со наслов: “Анализа на насилството врз децата и нивна первенција во Јужно-европските земји” (ко-автори: Динеш Сети,…