UACS SL faculty publishes research paper in Ponte Academic Journal

UACS SL faculty publishes research paper in Ponte Academic Journal

We are proud of our School of Law faculty: Assoc. Prof. Marko Andonov, PhD, Kate Trajkova, PhD and Prof. Zoran Mihajlovski, PhD, who have published their research paper titled: Drivining Business Success Trough Key Organizational Drivers of Employee Engagement – Case study The paper has been published in the Ponte Academic Journal – (International Scientific…

UACS SPS faculty participates at the Regional Academy organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence

UACS SPS faculty participates at the Regional Academy organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence

Asst. Prof. Marina Andeva, PhD from the UACS School of Political Science, is participating at the Regional Academy Second Joint Strategic Workshop organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence in Belgrade, Serbia during the period 13-15 September 2016. The Second Joint Strategic Workshop focuses on Reconciliation Process and Strategic Foresight by developing Scenarios and conducting…

UACS SPS faculty presented a paper at the Third International Scientific Conference in Shtip

UACS SPS faculty presented a paper at the Third International Scientific Conference in Shtip

Dr. Marina Andeva and Dr. Ivan Dodovski, from the School of Political Science, have participated at the Third International Scientific Conference “SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE GLOBAL WORLD” organized by the Goce Delcev University in Shtip, Faculty of Law, Center for Legal and Political Research in Shtip, Macedonia, from 1 to 2 September 2016. Dr. Marina…

Пријавете се за еднодневна симулација: Лидерство, донесување одлуки и градење тимови – на Харвард начин!

Пријавете се за еднодневна симулација: Лидерство, донесување одлуки и градење тимови – на Харвард начин!

Институт КОНЦЕПТ во соработка со Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје организираат еднодневна симулација: Лидерство, донесување одлуки и градење тимови – на Харвард начин! (Искусете ја симулацијата на Харвард бизнис-школата – Climbing Mount Everest (Искачување на Монт Еверест) дизајнирана за разбирање на динамиката во тимовите, улогата на лидерството врз комуникацијата во тимот, постигнување на лични наспроти тимски…

UACS School of Law students win the third place at the 5th FUTURA Regional competition

UACS School of Law students win the third place at the 5th FUTURA Regional competition

During the period 22 to 24 July 2016, a team from the UACS School of Law participated in the 5th FUTURA Regional competition for European Human Rights Moot Court. The Competition was held in Kragujevac, Serbia. The “Lawyers’ Club” at University American College Skopje was composed of six students at the UACS School of Law:…

Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Second enrollment period

Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Second enrollment period

Dear All, Please click on the following link in order to access the Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2016/2017 – Second enrollment period.   Regards, University American College Skopje

Work with us!

Work with us!

Универзитет Американ колеџ Скопје, за потребите на студиската програма по Софтверско инженерство при Факултетот за компјутерска техника и информатика, има потреба од експерт за изведување на настава за одделни делови од наставен предмет. Потребни квалификации се: Магистратура по компјутерски науки; Активно познавање на англиски јазик; Познавање на програмски јазици – особено Java – и алгоритамско…