Invitation to Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai

Invitation to Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai

The UACS School of Political Science is honored to invite you to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai, Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues. Topic: EU Enlargement and National Minorities Date: Monday, March 10, 2025 Time: 16:00 – 17:30 Location: UACS, Room 3A Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai is a distinguished political scientist…

UACS School of Foreign Languages Creative Writing Competition 2025: “A Choice That Changed Everything”

UACS School of Foreign Languages Creative Writing Competition 2025: “A Choice That Changed Everything”

“Every decision we make shapes our journey.” In this competition, high school students are invited to craft a compelling short story or a poem that explores how a single choice can alter the course of somebody’s life. Whether it’s a moment of courage, a twist of fate, or an unexpected consequence, we want to read…

Call for the election of deputy student ombudsman at the University American College Skopje

Call for the election of deputy student ombudsman at the University American College Skopje

Врз основа на член 31 став 3 од Законот за високото образование („Сл. весник на РМ” бр. 82/2018, 178/21 и 58/24) и член 3 од Статутот на Универзитетското студентско собрание,  Универзитетското студентско собрание објавува: КОНКУРС за избор на заменици студентски правобранители на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје   Се распишува конкурс за избор на 5 (пет) заменици студентски…

Call for the election of the student ombudsman at the University American College Skopje

Call for the election of the student ombudsman at the University American College Skopje

Врз основа на член 31 став 2 од Законот за високото образование („Сл. весник на РМ” бр. 82/2018, „Сл. весник на РСМ” 178/21 и 58/24) и член 3 од Статутот на Универзитетското студентско собрание, Универзитетското студентско собрание објавува: КОНКУРС за избор на студентски правобранител на Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје   Се распишува Конкурс за избор на студентски правобранител…

Strengthening Entrepreneurship Through Collaboration!

Strengthening Entrepreneurship Through Collaboration!

On February 11th, 2025, the University American College Skopje (UACS) signed a Memorandum of Collaboration with the @Agency for Supporting Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia. This partnership marks a significant step in fostering innovation, business growth, and knowledge exchange between academia and the entrepreneurial sector. Together, we aim to support startups, empower young professionals,…

UACS Alumni Event: A Night of Reconnection and Networking

UACS Alumni Event: A Night of Reconnection and Networking

On February 26, 2025, the University American College Skopje (UACS) hosted a memorable Alumni Event at Franklin Bar & Wine in Skopje, entitled: “Where Friendship Never Graduates,” bringing together prestigious students throughout the UACS generations, in an atmosphere of warmth, professional exchange, and just a touch of nostalgia. The event kicked off with a welcoming reception, where…