UACS Team Building 2023

UACS Team Building 2023

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa We couldn’t possibly find better words to describe this past weekend and the Get Involved team building we have had. Our University stepped outside of our…

UACS Opening Ceremony 2023/24

UACS Opening Ceremony 2023/24

It’s the start of a brand new academic year! Yesterday, University American College Skopje officially opened the academic year 2023/24 with great enthusiasm and pride, with our UACS Opening Ceremony. An annual tradition, it brings the entire UACS community together as one, including our first-year students, their parents, professors, and distinguished guests. As the atmosphere…

UACS OPENING CEREMONY of the Academic Year 2023/2024. 

UACS OPENING CEREMONY of the Academic Year 2023/2024. 

  Dear Students,   UNIVERSITY AMERICAN COLLEGE SKOPJE cordially invites you to attend our traditional UACS OPENING CEREMONY of the ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024.   DATE: 11.07.2023 (Monday) PLACE: Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje TIME: 19:00 PARTICIPATION: by RSVP (at   The ceremony marks the beginning of an exciting journey, where we come together as a…

Nina Dimkovska – UACS Business Student and Recipient of the DMD Scholarship Award 2023

Nina Dimkovska – UACS Business Student and Recipient of the DMD Scholarship Award 2023

We are thrilled to announce an exceptional achievement within our UACS community! Nina Dimkovska, a student at the UACS School of Business Economics and Management, has been awarded the prestigious Delta Mu Delta scholarship, marking a remarkable milestone in her educational journey. This scholarship, granted by Delta Mu Delta, as an international business society, not…

Join Us for a Virtual Session for the ABCD Project, implemented by UACS (September 5th, at 16:00)

Join Us for a Virtual Session for the ABCD Project, implemented by UACS (September 5th, at 16:00)

  📣 Mark Your Calendars! Join Us on September 5th at 16:00 for an Info Session 🌟 Are you ready to dive into the world of innovation, deep tech, and entrepreneurial opportunities? Look no further!   We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Info Session on September 5th at 16:00, where we will be…

Оглас за вработување во Народна банка на Република Северна Македонија
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Оглас за вработување во Народна банка на Република Северна Македонија

Почитувани, Народната банка на Република Северна Македонија, денеска (22 август 023 година-вторник), во дневните весници „Коха“ и „Слободен печат“, објави оглас за вработување на 4 извршители на определено време, и тоа:   –      1 извршител на работното место „помлад аналитичар почетен II степен“ во Отсекот за надгледување на платните системи во Дирекцијата за платни системи, на определено време во траење од 2 години; –      2 извршители на работното место „помлад…

UACS’s partnership with the Alliance for Boundary-Crossing in Deep Tech (ABCD)

UACS’s partnership with the Alliance for Boundary-Crossing in Deep Tech (ABCD)

The Alliance for Boundary-Crossing in Deep Tech (ABCD) initiative, supported by higher education institutions in conjunction with the European Institute for Innovation and Technology, aspires to be the change agent for creating more talent in deep tech and become a major hub for deep tech entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans. Through successful engagement with stakeholders…

Платен ангажман на студенти – Шпаркасе банка

Платен ангажман на студенти – Шпаркасе банка

Почитувани, Ве известуваме дека Шпаркасе банка АД Скопје во претстојниот период има итна потреба од анганжман на лица поврзан со издавање на картички и картично работење. Анганжманот ќе биде со надомест и се однесува на периодот од 15.08-15.10.2023 година со можност за продолжување до 15.11.2023 година, а ќе се реализира во градовите Скопје, Тетово, Битола…