Peripatetic School: Discussing Plato and Aristotle in the Skopje City Park

Peripatetic School: Discussing Plato and Aristotle in the Skopje City Park

UACS students taking the Critical Theory course with Prof. Ivan Dodovski were privy to a new experience on a beautiful October day, holding a class in Skopje City Park while practicing a novel approach to teaching. Applying the non-digital ‘walk and talk’ method to discuss the ideas of Aristotle, the founder of the Peripatetic School,…

Macedonian’s top international architecture event is on 10th October!

Macedonian’s top international architecture event is on 10th October!

Join us at the SHARE Skopje 2023 Forum, where Special Lecturer, Arch. Renato Rizzi Addresses the Contemporary Architecture Crisis The profound connection between the material and the immaterial, coupled with the current challenges faced in Architecture, stand as the cornerstone discussions of the outstanding conference by Renato Rizzi at SHARE Skopje 2023. Details on:

Cooperation with the Catholic University of the West-UCO

Cooperation with the Catholic University of the West-UCO

On September 25, our professors Dusica Stevchevska-Srbinoska and Igor Srbinoski had a meeting with Mrs. Marie-Laure Vallès, coordinator of international student mobilities at the prestigious Catholic University of the West (UCO; French: Université catholique de l’Ouest), known colloquially to its students as: “la Catho”. At the same time, UACS and UCO representatives attended the…

Потсетување за сите квалификувани студенти за подигнување на наменските картички

Потсетување за сите квалификувани студенти за подигнување на наменските картички

Потсетување за сите квалификувани студенти за подигнување на наменските картички Уживај во студентскиот живот и верувај во иднината   Студентските денови се неповторливи и вредни, па затоа е потребно да се искористат максимално во поглед на знаењето, а и во поглед на уживањето во истите, секако со помош на друштвото, но и со помош на…

Mont Blanc and Shar Planina, Erasmus “Mountain connection”

Mont Blanc and Shar Planina, Erasmus “Mountain connection”

This September, l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy/Chambéry/Le Bourget-du-Lac and the University American College Skopje, signed an Erasmus collaboration agreement. Connecting the two universities will allow students and academics from both universities to enrich their curricula, as well as to exchange and cooperate in scientific research. This “Mountain connection” opens the doors for the exchange of…