Prof. Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, PhD, from the University of Burgos, Spain – Guest speaker at UACS

Prof. Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, PhD, from the University of Burgos, Spain – Guest speaker at UACS

Prof. Paula Rodríguez – Torrico, PhD, from the University of Burgos, Spain, focuses her research on omnichannel marketing, digital marketing and the impact of technology on consumer behavior and their decision-making process. She has published her work in high-impact scientific journals and has received awards for her work. As a guest speaker, she actively participates…

Практикантска работа во ОКТА

Практикантска работа во ОКТА

ОКТА објавува конкурс за практикантска работа во соработка со Универзитет Американ Колеџ – Скопје Услови за аплицирање: 1. Студентот да биде 3-та или 4-та година на студии од прв циклус или студент од втор циклус студии. 2. Студентот да има средно – високо познавање на англиски јазик. 3. Студентот да има познавање на компјутерски вештини…

Guest lecture by Dr. Sarah Geegan, University of Kentucky

Guest lecture by Dr. Sarah Geegan, University of Kentucky

Today, Dr. Sarah Geegan, an Assistant Professor of Integrated Strategic Communication from the University of Kentucky, held a presentation to the UACS School of Business Economics and Management students, as part of the Planning and Strategy class led by prof. Snezhana Hristova Ph.D. During her presentation, our students had the privilege to learn more about…

UACS Talks: “Ideas, Insights, Innovations – Education” (Vol. 2)

UACS Talks: “Ideas, Insights, Innovations – Education” (Vol. 2)

On Tuesday (28.03.), The University of American College Skopje had the honor to host our guest speakers from Quipu and ProcreditBank, within the scope of the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, organized by Prof. Vladimir Radevski Ph.D. Our speakers were invited to UACS to hold a lecture on the subject “Joint force of…

Honored to share our knowledge – lecture by prof. Bojadjiev at Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Honored to share our knowledge – lecture by prof. Bojadjiev at Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Today, Prof. Marjan Bojadziev, Ph.D. and Rector at the University American College Skopje held an online lecture as a visiting professor at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, in the Netherlands. Speaking to Saxion’s students, the professor’s presentation focused on the topic “Why some entrepreneurial business succeeds and some fail”, delving deeper into the entrepreneurial culture…

UACS Student Assembly Presentation

UACS Student Assembly Presentation

On 23.03. (Thursday), the UACS Student Assembly presented in the A1 Amphitheater, where the assembly’s president, Filip Trajkovski, addressed the students and shared their program for their upcoming term. In short, their presentation encapsulated the following topics: – Recommendations for the academic calendar; – Student discounts and establishment of USS UACS as an active student…

Lecture by Sjoerd Peters, Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Lecture by Sjoerd Peters, Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Today, UACS had the honor to host our guest speaker Sjoerd Peters, a senior lecturer from the Saxion University of Applied Sciences, providing his knowledge through the Erasmus Mobility Staff Program, organized by Prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev, Ph.D. and Rector at the University American College Skopje. Speaking in front of our UACS students, his presentation focused…

ОБУКА за компании, членови на Деловен совет при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје

ОБУКА за компании, членови на Деловен совет при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје

Почитувани членови на Деловен совет при УАКС, Оваа пролет, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје повторно започнува со организирање на обуки за компании, членови на Деловниот Совет при УАКС. Нашата прва дводневна обука на тема: “Како да се справите со ‘проблематични’ луѓе преку успешна комуникација и менаџирање на конфликт”, ќе се одржи на 30ти и 31ви Март во просториите на Универзитет Американ…