Securities and Exchange Commision sign a Memorandum for cooperation with UACS

Securities and Exchange Commision sign a Memorandum for cooperation with UACS

The Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, M.Sc. Vasko Pejkov and the Rector of the American College University-Skopje, Prof. Dr. Marjan Bojadziev, officially confirmed and advanced the long-standing cooperation between the two institutions by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation. This important document represents an essential step towards strengthening partnership relations and integrating academic and…

Program for employment and self-employment at Techxcelerate

Program for employment and self-employment at Techxcelerate

Почитувани, Бизнис конфедерација на Северна Македонија ви ја претставува Techxcelerate – програма за поттикнување одржливи можности за вработување и самовработување преку пилотирање на сеопфатен модел за поддршка на потенцијални претприемачи со посебен фокус на сеопфатната дигитална интеграција низ разни индустрии. Програмата нуди: 4 бесплатни обуки (меки и дигитални вештини: пристап до финансии, сајбер безбедност, дигитален…

UACS International Teaching Month  Vol.6 (April 2025) – “Bridging Cultures through Education: A Journey to Skopje”

UACS International Teaching Month Vol.6 (April 2025) – “Bridging Cultures through Education: A Journey to Skopje”

Are you an inspiring educator with a passion for global collaboration? We invite you to be part of an enriching experience during the International Teaching Month in April 2025, hosted by University American College Skopje. The UACS International Teaching Month aims to foster cultural exchange and enhance educational practices worldwide. This year’s theme is “Bridging…

A Stage of Expression: Final Speeches in Speech Communication Class

A Stage of Expression: Final Speeches in Speech Communication Class

On January 18, the theater stage at Dramski Teatar Skopje was transformed into a platform for passion, creativity, and eloquence as students delivered their final speeches in the Speech Communication class, organized by Prof. Sandra Grujevska. From heartfelt stories to thought-provoking messages, each speech showcased the power of words and the courage to share personal…

Career Developement Class – Job Interview Simulations

Career Developement Class – Job Interview Simulations

On January 20th, the UACS Career Development class hosted representatives from ALKALOID AD Skopje, Pabau Clinic Software, LEORON Institute, PwC, Pivara Skopje AD, WVP Fund Management, Komercijalna Banka AD, and Olive Jobs that conducted job interview simulations with our students, to help them polish their interview skills and provide guidance in their future professional conduct,…