Guest Speaker at UACS – Mr. Dejan Kalinikov, Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia

Guest Speaker at UACS – Mr. Dejan Kalinikov, Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia

Today, December 22, 2022, UACS and its students had a great pleasure to host Mr. Dejan Kalinikov.  Mr. Kalinikov is Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia and Managing Director of SPMG Capital, a Macedonian fund management company managing two private equity funds. UACS Business Law students had the opportunity to hear first hand information about fund management, venture…

O. Vangelov’s paper in Political Science Quarterly

O. Vangelov’s paper in Political Science Quarterly

UACS assistant professor Ognen Vangelov co-authored the article ‘Hungary’s Slide toward Autocracy: Domestic and External Impediments to Locking In Democratic Reforms’, which came out in Political Science Quarterly, the oldest and most widely read political science journal in the United States. DAVID G. HAGLUND is a professor of political studies at Queen’s University in Canada, where…

УАКС студентите во посета на НЛБ Банка

УАКС студентите во посета на НЛБ Банка

Студентите од Факултетот за деловна економија и организациони науки при Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје, остварија тематска посета на експозитура на НЛБ банка во East gate Mall која е од модерен и футуристички тип Студентите од Факултетот за деловна економија и организациони науки, насока Финансии и банкарство во рамки на предметот Основи на банкарството на ден…

Студентите на УАКС во посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia

Студентите на УАКС во посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia

Студентите на УАКС остварија посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia, во рамките на предметот „Основи на проектно работење и управување со операции“ и имаа одлична можност да добијат сознанија во врска со операциите и активностите кои се изведуваат во компанијата, на дневна основа. Дополнително, од страна на Комерцијалниот директор беа споделени искуствата од реализацијата на…

UACS Presidential Scholarship Winner – Nika Inauri

UACS Presidential Scholarship Winner – Nika Inauri

We would like to formally announce the winner of the UACS Presidential Scholarship for Georgian citizens – Nika Inauri! He went through a detailed selection process and was granted full scholarship to attend the hybrid MA program in International Relations and Diplomacy at the UACS School for Political Science. We are so grateful to Marko Andonov, UACS Dean…

Financial Accounting Competition: Financial analysis of local and global giants in “Food industry battle”

Financial Accounting Competition: Financial analysis of local and global giants in “Food industry battle”

On December 16 2022, SBEM students crossed their financial analysis in the food industry battle. Who is better: Spanish Ebro Foods, Swiss Nestle or Macedonian Vitaminka AD Prilep? To address this topic, second-year students in Finance and Banking and Accounting and Audit took part in the traditional Financial Accounting Competition. The contest was organized for…

CMA Scholarship winners

CMA Scholarship winners

This year the University American College Skopje in partnership with the Institute of Management Accountants awarded two CMA (Certified Management Accountant) Scholarships to the newly enrolled graduates. We have no doubt that this opportunity will help them in their future career endeavors! Stefan Tasevski – Graduate student enrolled in the Executive MBA Programme at UACS Andrej…

UACS students from the School of Business Administration and Economics visited MAPAS

UACS students from the School of Business Administration and Economics visited MAPAS

1. How is to supervise 2 billion euros as assets of pension funds? 2. What are the risks faced by Pension funds? 3. What is the role of MAPAS in preventing and mitigating the risks in Management of pension funds? For these questions, as well as many other questions related to the pension system in…