Final Exam SCHEDULE (Spring 2022)

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Spring 2022)

Dear students, You may find the Final exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за пролетен семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Spring Semester 2022 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за пролетен семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Spring Semester 2022 Schedule for the School of…

UACS students of School of Foreign Languages visited the offices of Ad Verbum

UACS students of School of Foreign Languages visited the offices of Ad Verbum

Within the Career Week at UACS Skopje, the students of School of Foreign Languages visited the offices of Ad Verbum, an established translation company in Skopje, Macedonia. The students were accompanied by Jovanka Jovanchevska, MEL instructor at UACS. The group had the opportunity to hear about the vast experience of the company in their translation…

Students’ and Academic CEEPUS mobility at the University of Pecs (Hungary)

Students’ and Academic CEEPUS mobility at the University of Pecs (Hungary)

During April 2022 through the Border and Regional Studies CEEPUS Network, five students from the School of Political Science had a study period with a duration of one month at the University of Pecs (Hungary). Additionally, their professor Marina Andeva, Ph.D had teaching engagements at the same university, conducting lectures to MA and BA students…

Бесплатни подготвителни часови за државна матура на УАКС

Бесплатни подготвителни часови за државна матура на УАКС

Почитувани средношколци, УАКС и оваа година организира подготвителни часови за државна матура по Математика, Македонски јазик и Англиски јазик. Присуството е бесплатно и наменето за сите средношколци од земјата. Часовите се интензивни и започнуваат од 9ти мај до 9 јуни со физичко присуство во просториите на УАКС. Сите заинтересирани средношколци да се пријават на Ве…

Пракса во ТРИГЛАВ пензиско друштво

Пракса во ТРИГЛАВ пензиско друштво

Триглав пензиско друштво АД Скопје упатува отворена покана за  практична работа за сите заинтересирани студенти на УАКС. Практичниот ангажман опфаќа: запознавање со основите и проширување на знаењето за пазарот капитално финансирано пензиско осигурување; запознавање со процесите на администрирање и управување со сметките на клиентите на друштвото; употреба и промоција на дигиталните алатки во продажните практики…

Codification – Finance Trainee Opportunities for students

Codification – Finance Trainee Opportunities for students

Dear students, We are from Codification, a Digital Transformation consulting firm based in UK and we expanded our Operations in Bulgaria, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with a 100+ workforce This email is regarding the Career opportunities we have in our organisation for which we are looking for the potential Candidates who have Internship  experience or…

CMA Scholarships available for UACS Master students!

CMA Scholarships available for UACS Master students!

If you are enrolled in a master degree program at the School of Business Economics and Management at UACS you have the unique opportunity to earn a CMA (Certified Management Accountant) Scholarship! If you are interested in the CMA program click on the following link to find out more: In a partnership with the Institute…

“Pitch, till it is done!” Saska Mishevska from IDEA Plus 360° Communications held a guest lecture in UACS on how Marketing Agencies conduct campaign pitch presentations

“Pitch, till it is done!” Saska Mishevska from IDEA Plus 360° Communications held a guest lecture in UACS on how Marketing Agencies conduct campaign pitch presentations

For Marketing and Management students it is always important to understand the holistic approach to the subject, from generating an idea, creating a marketing plan to pitching in front of clients. During the class, Sasha Mishevska (Account Manager) from IDEA Plus 360° Communications presented the ways of working and roles in a Marketing Agency, how…