Guest lecture on Biological Drivers of Behavior by Dr. Tim Gaul

Guest lecture on Biological Drivers of Behavior by Dr. Tim Gaul

On 4 November 2021 UACS students had an opportunity to follow the guest lecture by Dr. Tim Gaul from the USA. His lecture comes upon invitation by UACS lecturer Dr. Darko Kostovski who teaches the course in Biological Basis of Behavior. Timothy Payne Gaul holds degrees in Osteopathic Medicine and he has been practicing Family Medicine…

EduHack: Hacking Education with Entrepreneurial Mindset

EduHack: Hacking Education with Entrepreneurial Mindset

UACS Start Up Week 2021 As a partner institution of the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), UACS is pleased to announce the Student Hackaton and for its Pre-Event is now calling for participants from all universities. Theme: Hacking Education with Entrepreneurial Mindset Pre-Event Date: 11 November 2021 (Thursday) Pre-Event Time: 13pm (CET) Location: At premises of…

Field visit to Kognicija

Field visit to Kognicija

On 21 October 2021 UACS second-year psychology students together with their professor Dr. Blagica R. Vanikj visited the Center for neuropsychology, psychotherapy, and psychology ‘Kognicija’. During this field visit, they had an opportunity to meet the clinical neuropsychologist M.Sc. Tina Vaskov. She shared her valuable knowledge and practice in the field of neuropsychological diagnostics. The…

New open positions at University American College Skopje

New open positions at University American College Skopje

WE ARE HIRING! >JOIN OUR TEAM< *New open positions at University American College Skopje*   More information about the job descriptions, conditions, and required skills:   ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL   QUALIFICATIONS At least BA in Law Excellent knowledge of the Higher Education Act of RNM English Language (minimum level B2)   SKILLS Teamwork Adaptability Flexibility…

Маја Цветанова, Маркетинг Менаџер од Макпрогрес, гостин предавач на УАКС

Маја Цветанова, Маркетинг Менаџер од Макпрогрес, гостин предавач на УАКС

На предавањата имавме можност да слушнеме за стратегијата за раст и развој на Макпрогрес, за производствено портфолио на Макпрогрес и нивните познати линии на производи Винчини, Сончева Долина, Дониа, Натура, Фантазија, Армонија, и др., за извозниот маркетинг на компанијата, за новите инвестиции, за деловните одлуки за аквизиции со цел проширување на производствено портфолио и сл….

Maja Cvetanova, Marketing Manager from Makprogres was a guest lecturer at UACS

Maja Cvetanova, Marketing Manager from Makprogres was a guest lecturer at UACS

At the lectures we had the opportunity to hear about the growth and development strategy of Makprogres, about the product portfolio of Makprogres and their famous product lines Vincinni, Sonceva Dolina, Donia, Natura, Fantasia, Armonia, etc., about the export marketing of the company, about new investments, business decisions for acquisitions in order to expand the product portfolio, etc. …