Емил Бухов, член на Управниот одбор на Силк Роад Банка – гостин предавач на УАКС

Емил Бухов, член на Управниот одбор на Силк Роад Банка – гостин предавач на УАКС

Вчера, во рамките на предметот Банкарство, свое гостинско предавање одржа  г-дин Емил Бухов – член на Управниот одбор на Силк Роад Банка. Бухов со презентација пред студентите на темата “Banks’ balance sheet and income statement structure” го збогати предавањето со неговото долгогодишно искуство во повеќе професионални и лидерски позиции во рамки на банкарскиот сектор во…

UACS – Exceptional Private University 

UACS – Exceptional Private University 

University American College Skopje was honored and humbled to receive the prize of Exceptional Private University at this year’s Global Education Awards by AKS, which was held in Dubai. The prize was awarded as a recognition of the University’s efforts to adapt to the pandemic and post pandemic state, dedicated to offering excellence in education no matter what. Besides…

International Week Lecturers

International Week Lecturers

UACS School of Business Economics and Management has the pleasure to announce that it will be hosting its third installment of International Week. The program of International Week 3.0 includes lectures, workshops, and various activities, which are open to all interested parties in English. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to sbem_international@uacs.edu.mk…

Doc. Dr. Sc. Mirjana Pehchevska Pop-Iliev, guest speaker at UACS

Doc. Dr. Sc. Mirjana Pehchevska Pop-Iliev, guest speaker at UACS

On 14th of March, the presentations of the students’ final projects for the course Creating and Managing Organizational Change was enriched with a remarkable guest speaker Doc. Dr. Sc. Mirjana Pehchevska Pop-Iliev. Ms. Pehchevska Pop-Iliev is the Organisational Director  of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje and experienced consultant for organizational development. She shared…

Panel Discussion: The War in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Balkans

Panel Discussion: The War in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Balkans

School of Political Science have the honour of inviting you to the panel   The War in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Balkans   Thursday 24 March 2022, 13:15 – 15:00 CET at UACS Amphitheater 1 and online via this link   Moderator: Sasho Ordanoski, Adjunct lecturer at the UACS School of Political Science…

Dr Ognen Vangelov invited as speaker at a Johns Hopkins’ SAIS webinar on Ukraine 

Dr Ognen Vangelov invited as speaker at a Johns Hopkins’ SAIS webinar on Ukraine 

On 17 March 2022, Dr Ognen Vangelov, Assistant Professor of International Relations and International Security at the UACS School of Political Science is invited as one of the speakers at the webinar on ‘The Ukrainian Crisis and the Balkans’, organised by the Johns Hopkins’ School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Eleventh Annual UACS Reading Competition: Celebrating James Joyce’s Ulysses

Eleventh Annual UACS Reading Competition: Celebrating James Joyce’s Ulysses

Committed to promoting literature among high school students, UACS School of Foreign Languages is organizing the Eleventh Annual Reading Competition. This year’s competition will honor the 100th anniversary of James Joyce’s literary masterpiece Ulysses. Ulysses was first serialized in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920 and then…

Вториот дел од пролетниот семестар од академската 2021/2022 година на УАКС, со присуство на академскиот кадар и студентите

Вториот дел од пролетниот семестар од академската 2021/2022 година на УАКС, со присуство на академскиот кадар и студентите

Почитувани студенти, Поради подобрената здравствена состојба во однос на вирусот Ковид-19, би сакале да ве известиме дека наставата во вториот дел од пролетниот семестар од академската 2021/2022 година на УАКС ќе се организира со присуство на академскиот кадар и студентите. Наставата на академскиот кадар кој има статус на визитинг професори и не престојува во Скопје,…