The Second part of the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022, with physical presence at UACS

The Second part of the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022, with physical presence at UACS

Dear students,   Considering the improved health situation regarding the Covid-19 virus, we would like to inform you that classes in the second part of the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022 will be organized with physical presence at UACS. Faculty members, who have the status of Visiting Professors and do not reside in…

Zana Pedic, PhD, from the Croatian National Bank, guest lecture at UACS

Zana Pedic, PhD, from the Croatian National Bank, guest lecture at UACS

Dear students, it is our pleasure to invite you to the guest lecture of Zana Pedic, PhD, from the Croatian National Bank, titled „Bank capital regulation – The Basel Capital Accord and finalizing post crisis reforms”. The presentation deals with issues of banking regulation and supervision, starting from background and rationale and proceeding with types…

Ida Manton, guest speaker at the course Creating and Managing Organizational Change

Ida Manton, guest speaker at the course Creating and Managing Organizational Change

On 25th of February, the course Creating and Managing Organizational Change had a special guest speaker Ida Manton on Negotiations in the process of change. Ida Manton is a Consultant, trainer, lecturer and researcher in International Negotiations. She is a Visiting Professor at University of Economics in Prague, after her MA studies in International Relations…

УАКС онлајн плаќања со Динерс Клуб

УАКС онлајн плаќања со Динерс Клуб

Почитувани, Ве известуваме дека во рамките на онлајн плаќањето на УАКС ( UACS -ONLINE PAYMENT ) е овозможена наплата со Динерс Клуб кредитна картичка. При плаќање со Динерс Клуб кредитна картичка трошокот ќе биде поделен на 12 рати. *НАПОМЕНА: Во случај на избор за целосна уплата на школарината, контактирајте ги Динерс Клуб на (02) 15 155 или…



“Going Back to Move Forward: Combining the know-how of yesterday with the technological advancements of tomorrow.” UACS School of Business Economics and Management has the pleasure to announce that it will be hosting its third installment of International Week. We will be inviting renowned guest lecturers from around the world to our campus for a…

Training Program – Digital skills for civic engagement

Training Program – Digital skills for civic engagement

Драги УАКС студенти, Центарот за социјални иновации БЛИНК 42-21, објавува повик за тренинг – програма на која можат да се пријават студентите од Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје. Програмата е организирана во соработка со Македонско американската алумни асоцијација (МААА) и DCN глобалната мрежа. Онлајн тренинг – програма е поделена во пет модули: Модул 1: Дигитален активизам и медиуми; Модул 2: Развој на…