

IN MEMORIAM: М-Р ИГОР АТАНАСОВ М-р Игор Атанасов, предавач на Факултетот за деловна економија и организациски науки при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, почина на 10 декември 2021 година. Тој засекогаш ќе остане запомнет по својата висока професионалност, посветеноста кон професијата и длабоката почит од страна на колегите и студентите. Комеморацијата во чест и спомен на м-р Игор…

SBEM students visit the Municipality of Aerodrom

SBEM students visit the Municipality of Aerodrom

On December 10, 2021 the students from the Taxation and Corporate finance courses, as well as their Erasmus peers from political studies, visited the Municipality of Aerodrom. The students were accompanied by Igor Srbinoski, Professor of practice, Dusica Stevcevska Srbinoska, PhD, Mrs Viktorija Gombar, International student coordinator, and Mrs Iva Minoska, Record office supervisor. The…

SBEM students visit the Ministry of Finance

SBEM students visit the Ministry of Finance

On December 2, 2021 (Thursday), the students of the School of Business Economics and Management from the Taxation and Corporate finance courses visited the Ministry of Finance. The educational visit was organized by Igor Srbinoski, Professor of practice and Dusica Stevcevska Srbinoska, PhD. They were welcomed by the Minister of finance, Fatmir Besimi, PhD in…

Series of lectures on the topic of discrimination as part of the International Human Rights Law course at the SPS

Series of lectures on the topic of discrimination as part of the International Human Rights Law course at the SPS

In the last three weeks, the third year students in the BA program International Relations and Diplomacy participated in a seminar integrated in the course International Human Rights Law. A series of lectures on the topic of discrimination and its place in the international human rights framework were held by highly qualified law practitioners from…

Maja Janevska and Aleksandar Kachakovski from A1 Makedonija held a guest lecture in UACS featuring Big Data Analytics, Marketing Automation and AI

Maja Janevska and Aleksandar Kachakovski from A1 Makedonija held a guest lecture in UACS featuring Big Data Analytics, Marketing Automation and AI

As part of the framework of the Marketing Management course at UACS, students continuously have the opportunity to learn about the newest trends in various industries. During the class, Maja Janevska (Senior Digital Transformation Specialist) and Aleksandar Kachakovski (Senior Data Analyst and Salesforce Advisor) from A1 Makedonija presented the main concept around Big Data Analytics,…

prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev PhD, UACS provost and Honorary Consul of Hungary, participated in the Conference “Dialogue on the Future of Europe

prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev PhD, UACS provost and Honorary Consul of Hungary, participated in the Conference “Dialogue on the Future of Europe

On 06th of December prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev PhD, UACS provost and Honorary Consul of Hungary, participated in the Conference “Dialogue on the Future of Europe: Is enlargement a key to the future?” The conference was organized by the Ministry of Justice of Hungary, as part of the European debate about the future of Europe….

UACS signing Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia – Presidential Scholarship

UACS signing Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia – Presidential Scholarship

University American College Skopje marked and honored this 1st December 2021, by signing Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, which recognizes the goodwill between both parties to enter into an academic form of collaboration. Conscious of the need to establish and maintain strong links in cultural and educational exchange, as well as…