Invitation to Participate in UACS Garage Sale for Humanitarian Cause

Invitation to Participate in UACS Garage Sale for Humanitarian Cause

Dear all, We, the students of UACS, are pleased to announce a garage sale to be held at Srekja Bar Skopje on the 14th of May (Tuesday), from 12:30h to 15:30h. The purpose of this event is to raise funds for donation to the Wheelchair National Basketball Team of North Macedonia. These are people with disabilities…

“Challenging the five-stars” / 11та меѓународна летна школа во ОХРИД / UACS

“Challenging the five-stars” / 11та меѓународна летна школа во ОХРИД / UACS

Факултетот за Архитектура и Дизајн при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, со задоволство ја најавува 11-та Летна Школа за Архитектура во Охрид под наслов “Challenging the five-stars”, под менторство на Куба Снопек од Варшава! MK Развојот на социјалистичкиот туризам вклучуваше создавање на архитектонски експресивни згради кои ги комбинираа општественото однесување, политичките идеологии и почитта кој природниот…

UACS Free Prep Courses for the State Exam 2024

UACS Free Prep Courses for the State Exam 2024

Dear High School students, Please be informed that the University of American College Skopje offers free prep courses for students preparing to pass the state exam. The prep courses available are for the following subjects: Macedonian language English language Math Schedule for Prep Courses If you are interested for these free courses please SIGN UP…

The new Double Degree program with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

The new Double Degree program with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

The month of April has been an exceptionally good one. Our Vice Rector for Education Venera Krliu PhD, our Dean of the School of Political Science Ivan Dodovski PhD, and our Head of International Office Viktoria Gombar MA, had the honor to visit Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, and officially mark the beginning of…

UACS starts with a series of team-building events entitled: Let’s share experiences: Interaction, Inspiration and Innovation.

UACS starts with a series of team-building events entitled: Let’s share experiences: Interaction, Inspiration and Innovation.

UACS starts with a series of team-building events entitled: Let’s share experiences: Interaction, Inspiration and Innovation. The purpose of these events is to unite professors from different fields and encourage sharing of experiences and best practices in teaching. It was particularly interesting to present the most current innovative methods between lecturers, to share interactive tools…