US Congressman and President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Gerald E. Connolly – guest speaker at University American College Skopje

US Congressman and President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Gerald E. Connolly – guest speaker at University American College Skopje

On May 4, 2021, the School of Political Science at University American College Skopje (UACS) organized a guest virtual lecture with the US congressman and President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Gerald E. Connolly. In his lecture, Mr. Connolly expressed gratitude for the possibility to address the students and welcomed the membership of the…

Paid Internship at Asseco – Young Software Engineers Program

Paid Internship at Asseco – Young Software Engineers Program

A unique opportunity for students at the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at UACS! If you would like to broaden and enrich your knowledge, and gain practical experience in a real work setting, then do not hesitate to apply for this internship program. The following call is for a paid internship program –…



The students of the software engineering course at SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY with Ass. Prof. Goce Gavrilov on 27 of April 2021 had a great pleasure to follow a guest lecture by Darko Dimitrovski. Darko Dimitrovski is one of the founders and an active member of PMI Chapter Macedonia. Based on the…

Душица Перишиќ, Директор на Заедница на единици на локалната самоуправа (ЗЕЛС), гостин предавач на УАКС

Душица Перишиќ, Директор на Заедница на единици на локалната самоуправа (ЗЕЛС), гостин предавач на УАКС

Студентите од Факултетот за политички науки и Факултетот за правни науки кои го следат предметот Регионална автономија и локална самоуправа имаа прилика да се запознаат со работата на Заедница на единици на локалната самоуправа (ЗЕЛС) преку гостувањето на директорката Душица Перишиќ. И се заблагодаруваме на г-ѓа Перишиќ за нејзиното гостување и придонес и на неа…

Ms. Biljana Koteska, Head of Department for research and inter-institutional cooperation from MAPAS, was a guest lecturer at UACS

Ms. Biljana Koteska, Head of Department for research and inter-institutional cooperation from MAPAS, was a guest lecturer at UACS

Ms. Biljana Koteska, Head of Department for research and inter-institutional cooperation from the Agency for Supervision of Fully Funded Pension Insurance (MAPAS) was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Financial markets and Institutions”, with lecturer Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, PhD. Mrs. Koteska presented the development of the Agency for Supervision of Fully Funded…

Guest lecture of H.E. Mr. Gerald E. Connolly, President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly  

Guest lecture of H.E. Mr. Gerald E. Connolly, President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly  

UACS School of Political Science have the honour of inviting you to the guest lecture of His Excellency   Mr. Gerald E. Connolly US Congressman & President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly     Policy Making in the US Congress Tuesday 4 May 2021, 15:00 – 16:00 CET, online via this link:…  Students will have the…

Psych Lab при УАКС организира онлајн работилница на тема “Mотивација и стрес”

Psych Lab при УАКС организира онлајн работилница на тема “Mотивација и стрес”

Тимот на Psych Lab организира онлајн настан за студенти чија тема е: мотивација и стрес. Целта на оваа работилница е да ви пренесеме корисни работи од психологијата за справување со стрес и зајакнување на мотивацијата; на дружељубив начин со интерактивни активности и да ви дадеме можност за вас учесниците да се вклучите во дискусијата доколку би…

IN MEMORIAM: Macedonian poet and academic Bogomil Gjuzel

IN MEMORIAM: Macedonian poet and academic Bogomil Gjuzel

It is with great sadness that we share the news that the Macedonian poet and academic Bogomil Gjuzel passed away on 22 April 2021. University American College Skopje had the honor to welcome Mr. Gjuzel as a guest lecturer in 2009. He selflessly shared his long experience in literary translation from English into Macedonian with…