On 22 April 2021, Mr. Robert Scott Heaslet, Senior Resident Director for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Public Policy with Ms. Marijana Opashinova Shundovska, PhD, Professor of Practice at the University. Through a set…

Blazhe Josifovski, President of NGO “Ajde Makedonija”, was a guest lecturer at UACS

Blazhe Josifovski, President of NGO “Ajde Makedonija”, was a guest lecturer at UACS

Blazhe Josifovski, President of NGO “Ajde Makedonija”, was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Ecology and Sustainable Growth”, with lecturer Andrej Gjokikj on April 16. Mr. Josifovski held a very inspiring and motivational lecture covering essential societal and environmental hot topics related to the NGO sector in R. North Macedonia. The…

Guest lecture by the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency at UACS

Guest lecture by the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency at UACS

The students of the School of Political Science following the course “Migrations and Refugees” with Assoc. Prof. Marina Andeva on 15th of April 2021  had a great pleasure to follow a guest lecture by the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency representatives in North Macedonia. Mrs. Cristina Bunea and Mr. Tihomir Nikolovski gave the students an…

Dr. Alistair Ross, Professor of Politics and Education in the School of Social Sciences at the London Metropolitan University, UK, was a guest lecturer to the UACS School of Foreign Languages

Dr. Alistair Ross, Professor of Politics and Education in the School of Social Sciences at the London Metropolitan University, UK, was a guest lecturer to the UACS School of Foreign Languages

On 14 April 2021, Dr. Alistair Ross, Professor of Politics and Education in the School of Social Sciences at the London Metropolitan University, UK, was a guest lecturer to the UACS School of Foreign Languages undergraduate and postgraduate students of English, mainly in the English language teaching concentration. The guest lecture’s topic was “Young Europeans…

‘One Society for All’: Guest lecture by Robert Alagjozovski, National Coordinator for Interculturalism

‘One Society for All’: Guest lecture by Robert Alagjozovski, National Coordinator for Interculturalism

On 14 April 2021 Robert Alagjozovski, National coordinator for interculturalism, one society, cultural development and interministerial cooperation in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was a guest speaker for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. Mr. Alagjozovski presented the…

16th Annual International Conference on European Integration – AICEI2021

16th Annual International Conference on European Integration – AICEI2021

University American College Skopje (UACS) is proud to announce its 16th Annual International Conference on European Integration – AICEI2021. By addressing the theme this year’s conference seeks to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on societies, economies, business and individual and public health as fundamental concepts that foster the recovery responses of European countries…