A visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, H. E. Ms. Tamara Liluashvili to UACS

A visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, H. E. Ms. Tamara Liluashvili to UACS

We were honored to host the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, H. E. Ms. Tamara Liluashvili. We have presented our University, our projects and achievements and we have discussed the possibilities for mutual support. The main focus of the visit was the educational and cultural collaboration between UACS and several universities and institutions from…



Честитки за објавената книга! Ретки се писателите на УАКС, но нивните успеси се навистина значајни. Како се случи да запловиш во книжевни води?  Благодарам, оваа што сега ќе излезе е веќе втора книга. Првата „Ако заспијам, разбуди ме“ излезе во 2018 г. Пишувањето отсекогаш било моја пасија и моја комфорна зона, има нешто во гените,…

Guest lecture on the topic “HRM strategic development”, held by Prof. Mohamed Albeshr, part of International Week at UACS

Guest lecture on the topic “HRM strategic development”, held by Prof. Mohamed Albeshr, part of International Week at UACS

Yesterday, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “HRM strategic development” was held by Prof. Mohamed Albeshr.  Prof. Mohamed Albeshr is a holder of a Ph.D. degree in General Management coming from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He started as Assistant Teacher and then he become an Instructor at Management and Law…

Prof. Ephraim Nimni’s guest lecture at UACS: ‘Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy’

Prof. Ephraim Nimni’s guest lecture at UACS: ‘Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy’

On 7 April 2021 Prof. Ephraim Nimni, PhD has delivered an online guest lecture on ‘Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy’ for the students of the UACS School of Political Science who take the course in Multiculturalism with Prof. Ivan Dodovski, PhD. There are less than 200 states recognised within the UN system,…

Сузана Штерјова Тошева, Сектор за Маркетинг комуникации и медиуми во Македонски Телеком, гостин предавач на УАКС

Сузана Штерјова Тошева, Сектор за Маркетинг комуникации и медиуми во Македонски Телеком, гостин предавач на УАКС

На часот по предметот Маркетинг комуникации и медиуми, кај Проф. Надица Јовановска Бошковска, студентите од смерот маркетинг, трета студиска година, имаа особена чест и задоволство да се запознаат со комуникацискиот пристап на Македонски Телеком. Гостин предавач на часот беше Г-ѓа Сузана Штерјова Тошева од секторот за маркетинг комуникации и медиуми во Македонски Телеком која преку примери…

Dr. Kristina Egumenovska, Assist. Professor at the University of Ljubljana was a guest lecturer at UACS

Dr. Kristina Egumenovska, Assist. Professor at the University of Ljubljana was a guest lecturer at UACS

Dr. Kristina Egumenovska, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, currently working as a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist at Zan Mitrev Clinic Skopje, was a guest lecturer at UACS on 5 April 2021 as part of the course in Psychology of Communication. Dr. Egumenovska talked on ‘Conflict and Power: Self-regulating and Managing…

Guest lecture on the topic “The impact of brand equity dimensions on university reputation: an empirical study of Georgian higher education”, held by Tornike Khoshtaria, part of International Week at UACS

Guest lecture on the topic “The impact of brand equity dimensions on university reputation: an empirical study of Georgian higher education”, held by Tornike Khoshtaria, part of International Week at UACS

Today, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “The impact of brand equity dimensions on university reputation: an empirical study of Georgian higher education.” was held by Mr. Tornike Khoshtaria.  Tornike Khoshtaria is a Doctor of Business Administration coming from Georgia. In 2003, he successfully graduated from Tbilisi State University…

Guest lecture on the topic “Inflation, output and economic policy in time of COVID-19 in India” held by Alka Singh, part of International Week at UACS

Guest lecture on the topic “Inflation, output and economic policy in time of COVID-19 in India” held by Alka Singh, part of International Week at UACS

Today, as part of the International Week at UACS, guest lecture on the topic “Inflation, output and economic policy in time of COVID-19 in India” was held by Ms. ALKA SINGH.  Alka Singh is an economics teacher coming from India. Firmly believing in Kautilya’s saying – “Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who…