The winners of UACS Ninth Annual Reading Competition 2020

The winners of UACS Ninth Annual Reading Competition 2020

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of UACS Ninth Annual Reading Competition 2020 organized by the School of Foreign Languages and dedicated to Anna Sewell and her novel Black Beauty: The third place is shared by two contestants Zoran Cikalov, a third-year student from Jane Sandanski Secondary School in Strumica under the…

Guest lecturer at the course International organizations and institutions (School of Political Science)

Guest lecturer at the course International organizations and institutions (School of Political Science)

Yesterday, the students following the course International organizations and institutions (School of Political Science) had an opportunity to have a guest lecture by Domenico Albonetti, a former Deputy Head of the Office of Political Affairs and Communications at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and former Chief of the Political and Reporting Unit at the OSCE…

#STAYHOME GIFs from UACS Architecture and Design students

#STAYHOME GIFs from UACS Architecture and Design students

Let’s get creative! The social isolation we are facing has brought out the creativity in the architecture and design students at UACS and has motivated them to create great visual communication. So, they had a .gif exercise and we are happy to show you some of their work. student Adrijana Cepevska student Anastasija Ivanova student…

Guest lecturer from APTIV Group at course Business planning

Guest lecturer from APTIV Group at course Business planning

It was a great privilege being able to host Mr. Ljubisha Trpeski, Logistics Manager of APTIV group Macedonia to provide valuable practice based insights about Supply Chain Management practices with our students from 3rd year, course Business planning. Webinar key points covered: Supply Chain Management Definitions, Supply Chains in Manufacturing Companies, Measures of Supply Chains…

Contrastive Analysis virtual guest lecture

Contrastive Analysis virtual guest lecture

On 8 April 2020, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students attending the Contrastive Analysis class, and their course professor, Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, were virtual hosts to Ms Iskra Stojanovska, MA in Conference Interpreting, a translator and interpreter, and an English language teacher. The guest speaker shared some of her translation tips regarding English…

Online examination on three continents, crisis is another word for opportunity

Online examination on three continents, crisis is another word for opportunity

As wise people say, crisis is another word for opportunity. 🤩 So, we have decided to turn this situation around and make the most of it. As part of the collaboration between UACS and University of Rome Tor Vergata, prof. Marjan Bojadjiev was co–teaching Strategic Entrepreneurial Behavior with prof. Rocco Palumbo. On 09th of April they held the…

Open Call for Erasmus+ mobility for the FALL semester 2020

Open Call for Erasmus+ mobility for the FALL semester 2020

Let’s get through this challenging times together, stay positive and plan your next adventure by applying for Erasmus+ mobility for Fall semester 2020. Please fill out this application latest by 15th of April, 2020 For more details please contact our International Coordinator ms.Victoria Gombar at