UACS collaboration with University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico

UACS collaboration with University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico

UACS students from the School of Foreign Languages and Business Economics and Management presented their joint collaborative projects with their fellow students from University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico. Within the Global Understanding course, they have been developing their intercultural communication skills for the past few weeks and have discussed various topics and issues. The discussions…

Guest lecture on Irregular Migration and the Media

Guest lecture on Irregular Migration and the Media

On Friday 13 November 2020, Dr. Minke Hajer, postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, will deliver a guest lecture  titled “The Mediated Border: Irregular Migrants and the Media” for UACS second year students of political science who take the course in Media & Politics with Dr. Ivo…

UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition

UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition

Dear UACS Alumni, We are happy to continue with the quarterly UACS Alumni newsletters. This time, we invite you to read the October – December 2020 Jubilee Edition, dedicated to our latest alumni students news and updates, as well as the UACS achievements, celebrations and promotions. Please contact us for any idea, project or collaboration…

УАКС дел од Глобалната недела на Претприемништво (GEW2020)

УАКС дел од Глобалната недела на Претприемништво (GEW2020)

Во рамките на овогодинешната Глобална недела на претприемништво, на 17-ти Ноември во 13 часот, УАКС како партнер е организатoр на онлајн настан наменет за студентите од Факултетот за Деловна Економија и Организациони Науки при УАКС, предводен од Тобиас Дегсел од Combiner, поранешен раководител на Нобеловиот Музеј во Шведска како говорник на настанот. За говорникот: „Tobias…

Online guest speaker on the topic “Communication in a Corona Pandemic”

Online guest speaker on the topic “Communication in a Corona Pandemic”

On 29 October 2020, the UACS Business Communication graduate class consisting of students from the School of Business Economics and Management, the School of Foreign Languages, and the School of Political Science Psychology department, with their course instructor Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, hosted an online guest speaker. Mr Goran Gakidev, a Director of Consulting and…



По повод претседателските избори во САД, Факултетот за политички науки при Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје традиционално, по четврти пат, организира специјален настан и симулација на гласање. Денеска, на 29 октомври, се одржа вебинар со г. Ерик Елиот, претставник на Амбасадата на САД во Скопје, РС Македонија, кој го претстави американскиот изборен модел и спецификите на…

Student vote and Guest lecture on 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

Student vote and Guest lecture on 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

UACS School of Political Science has the honor to invite you to attend the online guest lecture by Mr. Eric Elliott “2020 U.S. Presidential Election” Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 14:00 pm via this Webex link   Guest speaker:  Mr. Eric Elliott is Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, North Macedonia  Following the Q &…

Mid-Term Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2020)

Mid-Term Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2020)

Dear students, You may find the midterm exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за есенски семестар 2020 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Fall Semester 2020 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за есенски семестар 2020 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Fall Semester…