Social and Emotional Learning and Development in Contemporary Living – Challenges to Young People

Social and Emotional Learning and Development in Contemporary Living – Challenges to Young People

School of Political Science & Department of Psychology have the honour of inviting you to the workshop with our guest lecturer Dr. Rebekah Granger Ellis, International Research and Training Expert, UNICEF; NeuroEducation, Autism, and Behaviour Disorders, Johns Hopkins University, USA Social and Emotional Learning and Development in Contemporary Living–Challenges to Young People Wednesday 16 October…

Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2018/2019

Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2018/2019

Dear Bachelor students, We would like to cordially invite you to the Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2018/2019, for awarding of degrees to the twelfth generation of Bachelor students at University American College Skopje. The Ceremony will be held on October 5, 2018 (Saturday) at 19:00 h at Hotel Aleksandar Palace – Skopje.



Цементарница УСЈЕ во склоп на Групацијата ТИТАН го потпиша Пактот за поддршка на младите на Европската унија (“Pact for Youth”), за зајакнување на партнерството помеѓу компаниите и образованието, а во насока на зголемување на можностите за вработување на младите талентирани луѓе. Како дел од Програмата за поттикнување на вработување и развој на млади таленти, Цементарница…

10-та студентска изложба на Факултетот за архитектура и дизајн

10-та студентска изложба на Факултетот за архитектура и дизајн

Почитувани, Со огромна чест и задоволство ве покануваме на отворањето на 10-та студентска изложба на Факултетот за архитектура и дизајн (ФАД), Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје, коja ќе се одржи на 2 октомври 2019 (среда), со почеток во 20:00 часот во изложбениот простор „Мала станица“ при Националната галерија на Македонија. Со почит, Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје

Meet Our Visiting Professor – Anthony Clark

Meet Our Visiting Professor – Anthony Clark

UACS School of Business Economics and Management is dedicated to attracting visiting professors from all over the globe and promoting international academic environment. Warm welcome to professor Dr. Anthony Clark. Short bio in below: Dr. Anthony Clark joined St. Louis Community College in 2010, where he has served as a Department Chair of Business & Economics and…

International Conference “Psychology for all”

International Conference “Psychology for all”

Professor Ana Tomovska Misoska is attending the International Conference “Psychology for all” organised by the Institute for Psychology at the University SS Cyril and Methodius Skopje. She is presenting a paper titled: The importance of contact in promoting better interethnic relations among primary aged children. The paper is part of the research of the project…

Orientation Day of Academic Year 2019/2020

Orientation Day of Academic Year 2019/2020

University American College Skopje has the pleasure of inviting you to the Orientation Day of Academic Year 2019/2020 Date: September 28, 2019 (Saturday) Time: 11:00 a.m. Place: UACS  (third floor-front desk) The aim of the event is to provide UACS freshmen with: —   Important information regarding the studying process at UACS; —   Academic Calendar for 2019/2020; —   Class schedule; —   ID cards and Moodle account;…