Study visit to UNDP Office

Study visit to UNDP Office

On 16 April 2019, third year students from the School of Political Science, with their instructor Biljana Stefanovska, visited the offices of  the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Skopje as part of their course in International Organizations & Institutions. Students had the opportunity to familiarize with the work of the international organizations on the ground, and…

English Language Students’ Visit to the American High School Skopje

English Language Students’ Visit to the American High School Skopje

On 9 April 2019, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students taking the course ELT Methods, together with their course instructor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marjana Vaneva, visited the premises of the American High School Skopje in order to observe classes within their course.They visited two teaching classes: one was a Georgaphy class (taught in English)…

Guest speaker from Vitaminka, delivering a lecture on the class “Organizational behavior”

Guest speaker from Vitaminka, delivering a lecture on the class “Organizational behavior”

Today, 17th of April, guest speaker from Vitaminka, Mr. Orde Georgievski, PhD, Director of the Legal Department in the company, delivering a lecture on the class “Organizational behavior” on School of Business Economics and Management with prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev, PhD, where he had his presentation to the students and introduced them with the legal…

CEEPUS mobility at the School of Foreign Languages

CEEPUS mobility at the School of Foreign Languages

During the 6-9 March 2019 UACS professor D-r  Ivana Trajanoska held a guest lecture at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia (Bulgaria), at the Faculty of Languages and Culture. The teaching mobility was within the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and the Transcultural Communication and Translation Network.

UACS students win 1st place at the XIV International Competition of English Studies in Russia

UACS students win 1st place at the XIV International Competition of English Studies in Russia

Ana Arsovska and Ana Marija Hot, second year students from UACS School of Foreign Languages won the first place at the XIV International Competition of English Studies organized by the Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg  (Russia). The students, under the mentorship of D-r Ivana  Trajanoska, made a creative project on the arts, make-up and foreign…

New English Linguistics Paper’s Publication

New English Linguistics Paper’s Publication

The UACS professor and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Dr. Marjana Vaneva, has published a new English Linguistics paper, titled ‘Connecting the Different Lexical Category Domains: Cognition in the Zero Derivation of Adjectives from Nouns in Macedonian’. The paper has appeared online in the European Scientific Journal, published by the European Scientific Institute….

Mid-term exam schedule for Spring Semester

Mid-term exam schedule for Spring Semester

Dear students, On the links below, you can find the Mid-Term Examination Schedule for your School, for the Spring Semester in the Academic Year 2018/2019: Mid-Term Examination Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management  Распоред за полагање на први колоквиуми на Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки Mid-Term Examination Schedule for the Business…

Бенџамин Перкс, Претставник на УНИЦЕФ во Р.С. Македонија – гостин предавач на УАКС

Бенџамин Перкс, Претставник на УНИЦЕФ во Р.С. Македонија – гостин предавач на УАКС

Студентите на УАКС Факултетот за политички науки и Катедрата по психологија во четврток 14 март 2019 имаа чест да присуствуваат на гостинското предавање на тема: „Новите научни сознанија за детскиот развој и нивното влијание врз креирањето политики“. Професор д-р Иван Додовски, Декан на Факултетот за политички науки и Катедрата по психологија посака добредојде и го…