Advertisement for hiring an associate in the finance sector (NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP – AD INSURANCE POLICY)

Advertisement for hiring an associate in the finance sector (NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP – AD INSURANCE POLICY)

Dear Students, The NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP – AD INSURANCE POLICY is currently looking to hire an associate in the finance sector. Those interested can find the full specifics in the Call for Employment below.  

Opportunities at Sparkase Bank (Young Banker & Scholarship Program)

Opportunities at Sparkase Bank (Young Banker & Scholarship Program)

We inform you that within the framework of the platform #кариерабезбариера, Sparkase Bank organizes Sparkase Academy – Young Banker.   The “Best of South East” scholarship program represents an excellent opportunity for a one-year scholarship stay in Graz and the acquisition of practical experience for students from the South-Eastern part of Europe.  

ALDA Internship Opportunity
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ALDA Internship Opportunity

ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy, is a global alliance of local and regional authorities and civil society actors working together with a participative approach to create resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities. ALDA is dedicated to promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level in the European Union, its Neighbourhood, and beyond….

Social Media Marketing Intern (Data Masters)

Social Media Marketing Intern (Data Masters)

Data Masters is looking for a social media marketing intern! We are looking for a self-starter willing to learn and help us grow our social channels together. The Social Media Intern will be required to run all the Data Masters social media channels by creating high-quality engaging content, according to our brand guidelines. The position…

Огласи за Народна Банка

Огласи за Народна Банка

Народната банка на Република Северна Македонија, денеска (01 ноември 2023 година-среда), во дневните весници „Коха“ и „Слободен печат“, објави оглас за вработување на 6 извршители на определено време, и тоа: –      1 извршител на работното место „помлад супервизор почетен II степен“ во Дирекцијата за теренска супервизија во траење од 1 година; –      2 извршители во Дирекцијата за финансии, сметководство и контрола, од кои 1 извршител на работното место…

Administrator/HR position at Retolinks

Administrator/HR position at Retolinks

At Retolinks we have decided to hire two interns for the role of Administrator/HR. Ideal candidates would be students who are already studying at university UACS, or UACS graduates. 1. They will work only twice a week, for example, Monday and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2. They will be able to study…