UACS Alumni Event: A Night of Reconnection and Networking

UACS Alumni Event: A Night of Reconnection and Networking

On February 26, 2025, the University American College Skopje (UACS) hosted a memorable Alumni Event at Franklin Bar & Wine in Skopje, entitled: “Where Friendship Never Graduates,” bringing together prestigious students throughout the UACS generations, in an atmosphere of warmth, professional exchange, and just a touch of nostalgia. The event kicked off with a welcoming reception, where…

UACS International Teaching Month  Vol.6 (April 2025) – “Bridging Cultures through Education: A Journey to Skopje”

UACS International Teaching Month Vol.6 (April 2025) – “Bridging Cultures through Education: A Journey to Skopje”

Are you an inspiring educator with a passion for global collaboration? We invite you to be part of an enriching experience during the International Teaching Month in April 2025, hosted by University American College Skopje. The UACS International Teaching Month aims to foster cultural exchange and enhance educational practices worldwide. This year’s theme is “Bridging…

The first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the IT industry

The first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the IT industry

Yesterday, within the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, we attended the graduate thesis that focused on the topic of “Predictive Modeling of Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Linear Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest” by the student Dijana Damchevska, as the first Capstone project developed in cooperation with international experts from the…

Проект SPA:RE – Враќање на јавните простори преку имерзивни изведби

Проект SPA:RE – Враќање на јавните простори преку имерзивни изведби

Проектот „Право на јавни простори“ (Public Spaces ReClaimed) беше инициран и воден од театарот на Атила Антал и архитектот Вишња Жугиќ во соработка со Уметничката асоцијација „Инбокс“ (The Inbox Art Association) од Нови Сад, со цел да се замислат и изведат имерзивни изведби специфични за локацијата, кои ја подигнуваат свеста за моменталната состојба и скриените…

Meeting with the Higher Education Accreditation Board

Meeting with the Higher Education Accreditation Board

UACS Rector Marjan Bojadziev and Vice-Rector Venera Krliu had a meeting with the President Marjan Gjurovski and Vice-President Kushtrim Ahmeti from the Higher Education Accreditation Board, part of the Agency for Quality in Higher Education. The purpose of the meeting was to overcome possible problems in the accreditation process in order to significantly raise the…



Dear UACS undergraduate students, On the links below, you can find the MAKE-UP exam schedule for the Spring Semester 2024 for each school. School of Business Economics and Management / SBEM Факултет за Деловна економија и организациони науки / ФДЕИОН School of Political Science / SPS School of Computer Science and Information Technologies / SCSIT School…

UACS School of Architecture and Design – Top 100 universities in the world in the INSPIRELI Awards

UACS School of Architecture and Design – Top 100 universities in the world in the INSPIRELI Awards

UACS School of Architecture and Design is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world in the INSPIRELI Awards. Andrea Steiner Votavová, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Skopje was celebrate success with our UACS students from School of Architecture and Design. As the largest student architecture competition…