Decision to Announce Elections for Members of USS
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Enclosed you can read the Full Document.
The first kick-off meeting within the ENABLE project took place on 07 and 08 November 2019 in Skopje, marking the start of this 2 year project supported by the Erasmus + program of the European Union. The meeting on behalf of the project leading institution was opened by the rector of University American College Skopje…
Dear undergraduate students, On the links below, you can find the final exam schedule for the Fall Semester in the Academic Year 2017/2018 for each school. School of Business Economics and Management (English groups) School of Business Economics and Management (Macedonian groups) School of Architecture and Design School of Computer Science and Information Technology School…
Apply now and get ready to become a proud student of University American College Skopje! Dear candidates, University American College Skopje announces а CALL FOR PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS In the first year of the establishing this Scholarship, there is 1 (one) scholarship available for Master studies in the academic year 2022/2023. Candidates can choose…
Dear prospective students, The Call for Enrollment into Second Cycle Graduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2017/2018 can be accessed at the following links: Конкурс за запишување студенти на втор циклус студии на студиските програми на Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје во академската 2017/2018 година For any further information, please…
Dear candidates, Those of you who have registered for taking the preparatory courses for the State Matriculation Examination, can find the course schedule below. English Language – Monday (15.05.2017) at 16:30 h Macedonian Language & Literature – Tuesday(16.05.2017) at 16:30 h Thursday (18.05.2017) at 18:00 h Saturday (20.05.2017) at 11:30 h Mathematics – Saturday (20.05.2017) at 10:00 h Or you can…
Job description: Maintenance and updating web content, new tools implementation, monitoring and control of the web sites and for all study programs and the University and the High School in general. Maintenance, creating and implementation of content on all social media platforms and profiles of UACS/AHSS – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Organization…