
DMD Updates

After Delta Mu Delta Pi Aplha’s Induction Ceremony 2023 our Chapter has grown, welcoming 15 new regular members and 1 honorary member. We are pleased to announce that our Board has also undergone some changes. Marija Adjiev has joined our Board as the Social Media and PR Officer and Sofija Jovcheva who is an existing member of our Board has a new role as HR and Communications Officer.


The current composition of the Delta Mu Delta Pi Alpha’s Board is as follows:

  • Tome Nenovski, PhD – President
  • Elena Matlievska – Vice-President
  • Leo Miloshevski – Secretary
  • Natalija Mirkovikj – Secretary
  • Meri Cvetanovska – Treasurer
  • Sofija Jovcheva – HR and Communications Officer
  • Marija Adjiev – Social Media and PR Officer


Furthermore, we are honored to announce that PhD Nina Angelovska, an esteemed entrepreneur and President of the Macedonian E-commerce Association, has graciously accepted our invitation to become an honorary member. Our distinguished list of honorary members includes the following individuals:


  • Evica Delova Jolevska;
  • Ilijanco Gagovski;
  • Zivko Gruevski;
  • Antoni Peshev;
  • Mihail Ognenovski;
  • Igor Velickovski;
  • Tome Nenovski;
  • Gligor Bishev;
  • Boris Hrisafov;
  • Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski;
  • Filip Ivanovski;
  • Elena Mladenovska Jelenkovik;
  • Marjan Bojadjiev;
  • Luca Gnan;
  • Venera Krliu Handjiski; and
  • Nina Angelovska.


We extend our heartfelt wishes for a successful year to all members of our chapter. Together, let us strive to make a positive impact and accomplish great things.

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