E-lecture on the Topic of Intercultural Communication, with renowed Prof Dr Bernd Müller- Jacquier
On 7 March 2025, the UACS SBEM students attending the Business Communication undergraduate course, taught by Prof Dr Marjana Vaneva, had an e-lecture on the topic of intercultural communication.
The lecture was delivered by a distinguished professor in this field, Prof Dr Bernd Müller- Jacquier, an Emeritus professor from the University of Bayreuth, Germany. His PhD in Education is from the University in Tübingen, Germany, in the area of cultural studies, semantics and foreign language teaching. He has taught at several universities in Germany, France, Portugal, Austria, and has been a visiting professor at universities in Italy, Poland, Japan, Switzerland, the US, and Canada.
In the sea of all his achievements, what was most notable for us to invite the professor were his following activities: teaching a course on Intercultural Business Communication at the University of Jena in Germany, teaching Intercultural Communication at Danube University Krems in Austria, Intercultural Communication, within the Executive Master’s program at the University of Mainz in Germany, Linguistic awareness of cultures as a part of the European Masters in Intercultural Communication, organized by universities in Jyväskylä, Tallin, Cambridge, Utrecht, Bayreuth, Brussels, Paris, Coimbra, Urbino, Lugano, and Lisbon.
His grant awards are also (or even more) remarkable (just a selection of those that connected with our course topic: a grant from the Confederação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Brasil (CACB) for creating a survey on German-Brasilian business communication problems, funds from W. Zapf Foundation for directing a survey on Intercultural Communication in German Immigration Offices, and a grant from the German Aerospace/Bavarian Ministry for Economy and Transport directing a research/training project on German-French cooperation problems.
The full title of his lecture to our students was: “Asking the key questions: How to analyse intercultural communication situations”, when a case study on a Finn and a Tunisian student interaction was analysed, with a discussion about the implications of that scenario in our environment.
UACS was honoured to have this professor as the students greatly enjoyed his insights and the sharing of his expertise.