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University American College Skopje
Dear students,
You may find the Final Examination Schedules for your schools, by clicking on this link.
University American College Skopje
On Monday, December 4th, the University American College Skopje had the honor to host representatives from the Confindustria Macedonia del Nord and Smart Industry, to discuss a potential partnership between all parties involved. Greeted by our UACS Rector Prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev Ph.D., and our Head of International Relations Ms. Viktorija Gombar, the meeting set…
We had a pleasure of having a special guest speaker at our Entrepreneurship class Mrs. Sahka Kostovska – Dlaka. She’s a co- founder and a CEO of a financial consultancy “Input d.o.o” Mrs. Kostovska – Dlaka is one of the leading financial facilitators. Among her recent successes is providing seed funding for first Macedonian potential…
On 21 October 2021 UACS second-year psychology students together with their professor Dr. Blagica R. Vanikj visited the Center for neuropsychology, psychotherapy, and psychology ‘Kognicija’. During this field visit, they had an opportunity to meet the clinical neuropsychologist M.Sc. Tina Vaskov. She shared her valuable knowledge and practice in the field of neuropsychological diagnostics. The…
Во рамките на овогодинешната Глобална недела на претприемништво, на 17-ти Ноември во 13 часот, УАКС како партнер е организатoр на онлајн настан наменет за студентите од Факултетот за Деловна Економија и Организациони Науки при УАКС, предводен од Тобиас Дегсел од Combiner, поранешен раководител на Нобеловиот Музеј во Шведска како говорник на настанот. За говорникот: „Tobias…
Dear prospective students, The Call for Enrollment into First Cycle Undergraduate Study Programs of University American College Skopje in the Academic Year 2017/2018 – First enrollment period can be accessed at the following link. For any further information, please contact us at or at + 389 2 2463 156. Regards, University American College Skopje
Today, 17th of April, guest speaker from Vitaminka, Mr. Orde Georgievski, PhD, Director of the Legal Department in the company, delivering a lecture on the class “Organizational behavior” on School of Business Economics and Management with prof. Marjan I. Bojadjiev, PhD, where he had his presentation to the students and introduced them with the legal…