The structure of doctoral programs is shown in the next schematic diagram.

  • General modules
The purpose of this semester is to introduce you to the research work through a carefully selected framework of topics such as academic writing and referencing; methodologies, methods and techniques; working with data; qualitative methods; and the use of information technology for research purposes.
  • Thematic modules
The purpose of this semester is to offer you selected topics for study in a given area and discussions on current issues in the field that will motivate you for your doctoral research.
  • Preparation of a
    research proposal
  • Research stay
The purpose of this semester is to introduce you to the preparation of doctoral research and start building your network of research contacts. The Doctoral Research Proposal will develop your skills to expose your idea in a coherent way, while the research stay at an external institution will help you to network and position your research in the field.


  • Doctoral research
  • Doctoral
The purpose of this semester is to focus on working on doctoral research, as well as to make an internal presentation in front of the teaching and mentoring staff and fellow doctoral candidates.
  • Doctoral research
  • International
The purpose of this semester is to write the first research paper that qualifies for presentation at an international conference and for publication in an international journal. Through the work on the doctoral thesis, the goal is to further network in the research field and start building more significant international research contacts.
  • Doctoral research
  • Public defense
The purpose of this semester is writing the second paper based on the doctoral research, which will qualify for publication in an international journal. The goal is to complete the semester with the public defense of your doctoral thesis.

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